Posts - Cure Arthritis Community | HealthUnlocked

Cure Arthritis Community

2,798 members597 posts

All posts for April 2018

SIBO test?

Has anyone had positive experiences with the SIBO test and dietary changes? I'm ...
Patient0 profile image


Been wondering lately how much of a role does inflammatory arthritis play in my ...
Graceusha1 profile image

Any luck with Embrel?

Hello :) I just took my first shot of Embrel today. Has anyone had luck with thi...
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I have OA in my neck with trapped nerves there also, I'm usually in a lot of pai...
bigjimmy profile image

How do you feel about new treatments and clinical trials?

Are you aware of any new treatments being researched? How do you feel about part...
MaddieHU profile image

How has your experience with the healthcare system been?

Do you feel that your doctors have understood your options and needs?
MaddieHU profile image

What / which symptoms are most troubling to you now?

How has your diagnosis impacted your day-to-day life?
MaddieHU profile image

What has been the most frustrating about being diagnosed with arthritis?

Share your experiences and interact in the comments below!
MaddieHU profile image

How has your diagnosis impacted friends/family/social interactions?

Today we'd like to hear how arthritis has impacted your social life? Has there b...
MaddieHU profile image

What do you know now that you wish you had been told when you were first diagnosed?

What general advice would you give a person who has been newly diagnosed with ar...
MaddieHU profile image

Treatments - Best and worst

What are the best things about your current medication? What are the worst thing...
MaddieHU profile image

Cimzia and chest pain, palpitions

has anyone been on Cimzia and experienced any palpitions , chest pain and or s...

When you were first diagnosed with arthritis, what was your doctor's initial advice?

What were the good things you learned at diagnosis? What worried you most about ...
MaddieHU profile image

When were you diagnosed with arthritis?

The first question in the series asks about when you first discovered your diagn...
MaddieHU profile image

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