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Changing Faces

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First Time Post -Trigger Warning Depression

Hello. I am 45 years old and have lived with a facial difference in various form...
LUN754 profile image

Hair loss and medical mistreatment update

I've been going through hair loss for 6 years and seeing my current dermatologis...
Starbabyy profile image

Over 60 with scars.

This is my first post on here. I suffered from severe acne from the age of 14 ti...
Lypsie56 profile image
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Asymmetrical face

I cried yesterday night because my asymmetrical face makes me feel ugly at first...
Shannancope profile image

8-year-old Charlie raises £1000s for other people with a visible difference

When Charlie was 8 years old he was in a car crash which resulted in serious fac...
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I have Bell’s palsy and I lost my hair after chemotherapy - Sheila’s visible difference story

Sheila is from Merseyside, has Bell’s palsy which affects her smile and has unde...

I was born with Craniosynostosis which affects my skull, jaw, fingers, toes and speech

Hannah is from Birmingham, and this is her visible difference story…. I was born...
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Why I don’t let my visible difference stop me from acting, by Lottie aged 13

Lottie is 13 years old and from Tunbridge Wells. She has a condition which pushe...
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I was born with Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome which means I have a swollen leg and foot – Georgie’s visible difference story

Georgie was born with Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome, which affects a person’s veins...
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"I am not contagious and no different to anyone else." 11-year-old David’s visible difference story

David is 11 years old and from Denny in Stirlingshire. He has a skin condition c...
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What school is like when you have a birthmark on your face by 15-year-old Ruyuan

As schools start a new year, I thought I’d share with you Ruyuan’s visible diffe...
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I have a genetic disorder called Crouzon syndrome which affects the shape of my head and face – Mikaela’s visible difference story

Mikaela has Crouzon syndrome, which is a genetic disorder characterized by the p...

Staring, dating and swimming when you have scleroderma - Hannah’s visible difference story

When Hannah was 14 she started to notice a patchwork of marks on her skin. It to...

Julie’s visible difference story for International Alopecia Day

I’d like to share with you another visible difference story, this is from Julie ...

My name’s Kaylin and I was born with a facial cleft which affects the right side of my face

I’d like to share with you a visible difference story we recently posted on our ...
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My name's Natalie, I'm a Changing Faces campaigner and my visible difference is vitiligo

Hi everyone, I’d like to share with you Natalie’s visible difference story. Nat...

My name's Phil and my visible difference is a birthmark that covers three quarters of my face

Hi everyone, Following the positive reaction to 12-year-old Craig's visible diff...

12-year-old Craig shares his visible difference story

Hi everyone, It's been a little while since I shared a personal story from one o...
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Have your say

Last week a brave member of this community expressed how they felt that the comm...

People with a visible difference have taken over the Changing Faces social media channels for #FaceEqualityDay

Today is the start of the biggest week of the year for our charity - Face Equali...

What's New Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and the perfect opportunity to check in with each other. ...

i have a weird skin condition and scars that makes me so depressed and suicidal

sorry my post will be long and full of hate. Few years ago, i had only few pimp...
jellyelly profile image

What's New Wednesday

Hello Everyone and welcome to Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed the Easter break. We ...

Fave App

A lady was telling me about an app called Headspace which she uses to help her m...

What's New Wednesday

What's New Wednesday is a new feature we’re introducing to enable people to chec...

Sharing your visible difference story

We’re always interested to hear more about your experiences of living with a vis...

Introducing me! 😁

Hey everybody! My name is Crystal and about three years ago I was diagnosed with...
Crystal246 profile image

What is your visible difference?

Hello everyone, I'm Dola from Changing Faces. As we relaunch the forum I though...

Your Stories of living with a visible difference

Hi everyone, I’m Paul from Changing Faces. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to...
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