Posts - High Blood Pressure Support | HealthUnlocked

High Blood Pressure Support

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All posts for September 2023

Decaf coffee

Can decaf coffee raise your blood pressure, mines a 159/90 are taking 10mg amlop...
Barneymiller profile image

BP Medication and Nausea

Hello I am on a combination of ARB/CCB to control my blood pressure which is no...
Richard9999 profile image

high aldosterone, high renin.. renal artery stenosis?

had tests re done bloods and urine due to high blood pressure. Sure I’ve had the...
Holiday12345 profile image
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Longstanding hypertension

Hello everyone I have been on meds for hypertension since my late twenties. I'm...
Ipsofacto01 profile image


hi is anyone else on bisoprolol medication if so have you had any side effects ...
Pennylane57 profile image

BP meds

What a day I've had, five hours of Dr's and phone calls. Finally they are all st...
Hidden profile image

high Bp causes

hi all, my blood pressure was high when taken before and after my procedure on a...
Nat107 profile image

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