Blurred Vision - BP Medication - High Blood Pressu...

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Blurred Vision - BP Medication

Goldenfleece2022 profile image

Wondered if anyone has experience of blurred vision from BP medication? I have recently turned 50 and was diagnosed with hypertension after a bleed behind my eye 5 months ago. I was put on 5mg of Amlodipine which was then increased to 10mg. My BP is now fully under control but I started getting double vision after the meds were increased to 10mg. I’ve been to both the Opthamologist and the Optician who say my eyes are now fine. The GP reduced my meds to 5mg and the vision improved slightly. I was then changed to Lisinopril about a week ago and the double vision is as bad as it was before. The Opthamologist said high BP can cause problems with the eyes but this was ruled out during my checks. Blurred vision is a know side effect of both meds I’ve been on but don’t know what to do next if I have to continue with BP medication.

Any thoughts or similar experiences from others on here would be greatly appreciated x

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16 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

in your position I’d talk to my pharmacist- they are often more clued up than docs about medications, their side effects and inter reactions. Other than that, maybe get referred to a specialist?

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to Happyrosie

Thx for the advice Happyrosie. Hadn’t thought about speaking to the Pharmacist which is a great idea. I’m due to see the GP next week for the review of my new meds so will also speak to her for advice. Was curious if others on the site had experienced a similar reaction and, if so, what they did about it.

BobbyCollins profile image

Go back to your GP and request alternative. I had this problem and it's quite disconcerting. Good you have had it checked out but you shouldn't have to continue like this.

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to BobbyCollins

Thanks BobbyCollins. Your response is greatly appreciated. Can I ask if your vision has been sorted now and, if so, what action was taken to remedy it? Was it a change in medication and, if so, to what if you don’t mind me asking?

BobbyCollins profile image
BobbyCollins in reply to Goldenfleece2022

I had a change in medication unfortunately I am now on my 4th type. But no more blurred vision currently taking Candesartan. Check if you can have a Telecon with your surgery's own pharmacist if they have one. Found our very helpful. Good luck

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to BobbyCollins

Thanks once again BobbyCollins for your kind response and the information you provided. It is greatly appreciated and of great comfort. Glad to hear you have managed to sort things out x

katieoxo60 profile image

Double vision Goldenfleece2022 is not quite the same as blurred vision and can be caused by other factors I would say like others maybe a specialist is required. I have just been tested due to double vision which is not caused by my BP drugs its presumed to be due to other eye problems as no neurological reason was found. You need a specialist opinion so does your optician. Good luck with getting a better explanation. My hospital department was very good. at explaining as I have existing eye defects. Take care

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to katieoxo60

Thanks very much for taking the time to respond katieoxo60. Really appreciate it. I’ve not had any scans for neurological issues but have certainly had just about every other test possible over the last five months 😃 I’ve met with the consultant Opthamologist three times in that time and they stated that I have no issues and the damage to the eye has repaired itself (I still need to go for six monthly checks for 18 months though). It’s the fact that my eyesight improved when my meds were reduced, but has gone back the way it was with the new meds. I see the GP next week so will have a good discussion then.

Thanks again and I hope everything with your eyesight is ok 🙏

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Goldenfleece2022

Unfortunately my eyes are not OK as the neurologist suggested but I can have some things corrected but it wont totally improve my eyes and could result in further problems. And am advised my eyes will get worse as I am aware of. May opt for treatment in the new year after careful consideration. Hope things work out for you.

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to katieoxo60

I’m sorry to hear that katieoxo60. It’s not just the physical aspect to health problems but the mental impact that can be challenging. I hope you are coping. There is always hope and other options and I hope you find one that has the best possible outcome for you. I will keep you in my thoughts. Take care x

Ascidian profile image

Hi Goldenfleece. I was also diagnosed with high BP after a couple of large subconjunctival haemorrhages (which I think were triggered by ibuprofen causing an extra BP spike). I now take 10mg amlodipine.

I don't suffer from what a neurologist would call double vision but I do sometimes have prolonged spells when I experience what I believe is called ghosting, or monocular double vision. Each eye sees an image and then a paler "ghost" image slightly displaced from the first. It is often worst in the morning. Mine turned out to be caused by "dry eyes" although the eyes are sometimes very watery or gunky, rather than obviously dry. This in turn was caused by blocked glands in the eyelids and is helped by warm compresses or a heated eye mask to help unblock the glands so the eyes can be properly lubricated. So the eyes themselves are fine, there is just blurring caused by an irregular moisture layer over the eyes. Could this be your problem? I hope so, as this would be so easy to fix. Either way, good luck x

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to Ascidian

Hello Ascidian. Thank you very much for your kind response. What you have described is exactly what I am experiencing, right down to the last detail. I will try out your suggestion as it sounds very promising. Fingers crossed 🤞

Thanks once again for taking the time to respond. It is greatly appreciated x

Ascidian profile image
Ascidian in reply to Goldenfleece2022

Fingers crossed it works for you. I just don't understand why opticians don't think to check this when someone complains of double vision that doesn't seem to be caused by anything wrong with the eye itself. Dry eyes are so common, especially for females and especially around the menopause

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to Ascidian

Having looked it up Ascidian, it seems even more related to my issue. I had blepharitis at the same time as all this happened, and this seems to be related to dry eye. I haven’t been cleaning my eyelids (like I was advised by the optician) so I’ll need to get back to doing so. I’ll also try the warm compress as you suggest 🙏❤️ Thanks once again x

onadiet profile image

I had a bleed also and am now partially sighted.3 yrs.later was put on high bp meds. I get blurry vision all the time too.

Goldenfleece2022 profile image
Goldenfleece2022 in reply to onadiet

Thanks for responding onadiet. Sorry to hear about your sight. I hope your bp is under control now? The blurry vision can be managed if you follow the advice Ascidian gave me. While I still have a little blurred vision now and then, following this advice and the use of a gel the optician gave me (Clinitas Carbomer) the blurring is now minimal.

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