Panic attacks or is it ?: Hi, I’ve recently... - Anxiety Support

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Panic attacks or is it ?

Jrlt profile image
23 Replies

Hi, I’ve recently been having episodes that I can’t quite figure out what they are.

It starts with a hot flash/heat washes over my body, it’s followed by panic and shaking, my heart begins to race and pound.

When the hot flash comes over me I instantly think my heart has stopped beating and usually try to feel for my pulse on a few occasions i haven’t felt it (where I always do) which causes more panic my gp said I probably can’t feel it because I’m in panic mode.

It’s frightening me the episodes are becoming more frequent and I’m terrified my heart is stopping.

Was wondering if anyone suffers panic attacks that maybe feels how I feel ? I know they are different for everyone and that’s what’s scaring me, can a panic attack come on suddenly and begin with a flushed/hot flash sensation ?

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Jrlt profile image
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23 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Yes Jrlt, panic attacks can come on suddenly with a flushed/hot flash sensation due to an

unwanted thought that may be lying dormant in your subconscious mind. This thought can

bring on an increase in the adrenaline causing this symptom and others.

However, since I am not a doctor, I can only rely my experience in the past with the same

sensations. It is always in your best interest to have your doctor address this issue.

I've read your past posts regarding your heart. Stay safe. Be sure :) xx

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Agora1

Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it.

Sometimes I can’t quite work out if the hot flash precedes the “my heart stopped” thought or vice versa but I’ve had it hit me today just whilst talking to my sister and I don’t remember thinking “my heart stopped” I just felt the heat and thought “her it goes again” tried to find my pulse but couldn’t but I found it in a different area beating normally then suddenly faster and pounding as the shakiness started to.

My gp and a nurse I’ve mentioned it to both said panic attacks and that your heart won’t just stop then restart 🤦🏽‍♀️

I have health anxiety and it’s all focused on my heart x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Jrlt

Jrlt I also had heart phobia when my anxiety first made it's appearance.

I experienced the same feelings as if my heart had stopped and restarted.

As long as it has been brought up to your doctor, try to reassure yourself

that it can be but a skipped beat from anxious thoughts and moments.

Doing some positive research on Anxiety can help you better understand

what happens during the anxious moment if we fear the feeling.

A good book or video on YouTube is by Dr. Claire Weekes' "Hope & Help for

Your Nerves". The more we understand in how acceptance and not fighting

these symptoms can help, the shorter the symptoms will be.

Also breathing can help calm the mind and body to the point of reducing the adrenaline

rush and slowing down your heart beat. :) xx

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Agora1

Thank you, I have pvcs (skipped beats) diagnosed by a cardiologist after a 24hour monitor so I know if they feel.

This is different at the time the hot flush comes over me I generally am not aware of my heart doing anything I’m not sure if that’s where the fear that it’s stopped comes from or not, I think if I had one of these attacks whilst wearing a monitor that could then show me my heart never stopped I would feel so much better about it all and accept it’s panic and breathe through it.

I ordered that dr Claire’s book I’m still waiting on it to arrive I was recommended it and told it was really good to help you understand anxiety so thought it was worth a read.

I was never an anxious person before and generally didn’t ever notice what my heart was doing it all started after my baby was born sleeping she had a server heart condition so I can understand why I’m so anxious but it doesn’t help the physical symptoms 😔 x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Jrlt

Thanks Jrlt for filling me in about how your heart focus might have started.

I think you will find Dr. Weekes book very enlightening. While you are waiting

for it to arrive, you might want to check out her videos on YouTube.

Is your baby okay now? xx

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Agora1

I will have a look at the videos, hopefully the book comes soon!

No unfortunately my little girl was born very early she only had half of her heart a few other conditions that she couldn’t survive 😔

The only reason I was given an echo was because I begged them and said I can’t get her condition out my head and what if I caused it because there is something wrong with my heart!

It’s all anxiety I never worried about it before! But the anxiety brought a while load of physical symptoms that I can’t just ignore and then causes more anxiety 😔 x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Jrlt

I am so sincerely sorry for your loss. I can understand how this brought about y our

anxiety, but know that her heart condition had nothing to do with your own heart.

You certainly are in the right place for support. With the help of others you will not

feel so alone with your symptoms. :) xx

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Agora1

Thank you, it’s funny that though as so many people suffer anxiety and panic yet you do feel so alone 😔 it’s scary when it’s your heart causing the distress, this morning I had shaking sweating and racing a slow build up of it I’ve had this lots before and again because it only happens in the morning I was told it’s anxiety and panic which I believe as it only seems to happen when I’ve not had a good nights sleep and wake up with the feeling of dread/worry I know I was anxious last night so doesn’t surprise me this morning my heart rate got upto 140-150 🤦🏽‍♀️

I believe this is an anxiety attack and when the hot flush hits me it’s a panic attack or atleast I hope that’s what it is and nothing serious with my heart x

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Jrlt

I also have pvc s. If you are still concerned, mention it to your cardiologist.

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to b1b1b1

I am so sorry about your little girl. I did not realize this and it could well explain your panic attacks.

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to b1b1b1

I’ve and a monitor for the pvcs and been in a&e when they see bad but have always been told I’m ok and they aren’t concerned about them 🤷🏽‍♀️ They feel awful though and being on a lot of anxiety!

Yes I believe this is where my anxiety all comes from, I’ve always been scared of death but was able to brush it aside and enjoy life not constantly worrying something bad is going to happen to me, anxiety took hold and I’ve not been able to shake it, it’s gotten better or atleast more manageable but it can still take hold and lingers everyday 🤦🏽‍♀️

Classic anxiety. I had panic attacks triggered while sitting in the doctor's office waiting to be seen. Would pound out of my chest and up into my neck and face. Had the 'flushing' of the face, too. I don't get them anymore. Studied anxiety and found out I could put it into remission with natural modalities. It didn't happen overnight .......... but it worked!

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to The_Lord_is_with_Us

Thank you for your reply.

Did your start with a sudden rush ? I’m thinking it’s the rush of heat that throws me into thinking it’s something more serious if that makes sense. It’s the feeling that my heart has stopped that’s frightening me but I’m sure that thought comes as I feel the hot flush starting if I could have proof /evidence that during one of these my heart is fine I think I would be able to deal with it better and accept what it is and work on overcoming it.

The_Lord_is_with_Us profile image
The_Lord_is_with_Us in reply to Jrlt

I remember the face flushing and pins and needles feeling in my cheeks. When I told the doctor ... he said we have to do an MRI scan for MS. It was negative .... but that's not something an anxious person wants to go through.

In most cases .... no matter how strange you feel .... IT'S ANXIETY. So, you learn to discount it ....... ignore it. Doesn't mean it will get better right away. Just means it isn't 'fooling' you anymore by keeping you wondering ..... searching for what's killing you.

That's the evil scam that anxiety plays on people. But ..... at some point ..... you have to ask yourself: How many times will I let anxiety be successful with this scam?

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to The_Lord_is_with_Us

Thank you for this! I needed to hear that 💕

It’s just so difficult to get out of the rabbit hole once your in it.

Whiskers16 profile image

This happens to me various times throughout the day and there isn’t anything wrong with my heart according to the ecg I had.So sorry to hear about your little girl. Sending you lots of love

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Whiskers16

Thank you, do you to feel numb like everything inside has stopped and the flash has taken over ? I think I need to get it in my head it’s a hot flash not that everything has stopped but that’s how it feels 😔

Whiskers16 profile image
Whiskers16 in reply to Jrlt

Yes I think I actually forget to breathe or that’s the way it seems. It’s really scary, I know it’s anxiety but that doesn’t make me feel any better

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Whiskers16

Ah yes me to although I am breathing it doesn’t feel like it!

Yep even knowing it’s anxiety doesn’t make it better because you start to get anxious about anxiety 🤦🏽‍♀️

Whiskers16 profile image
Whiskers16 in reply to Jrlt

That’s exactly it

Agora1 profile image

Hi Jrlt, I just got on for the day and was reading your concerns about your heart. I see you

have been to a cardiologist and have been monitored (as well as the ER) But until we ourselves can believe there is nothing physically wrong with our heart, the symptoms perpetuate the fear. The fear perpetuates the symptoms and around and around we go.

After all, our heart is the center of our being and it is normal to feel anxious when we don't

accept the correlation between the Mind/Body Connection. Our minds are powerful enough to cause erratic physical symptoms. I'm hoping once you listen to Dr. Weekes'

theory on accepting anxiety as non life threatening, eventually you will start to accept your

doctor's diagnosis.

I've been there and know how hard a road it is in believing the good doctors are missing something. Another thing Jrlt is inactivity can settle in which causes us to baby our heart which combined with our thoughts produces more symptoms.

Hydration is super important for the heart to function properly as well.

It sounds like you suffer from morning anxiety which can start your day off on the wrong foot. The anxious body is so sensitive to the rise of Cortisol and Adrenaline each morning that we tend to feel the exaggerations of the skipped and extra beats. Once we put an

"Oh Oh" thought to those feelings, panic settles in. Once you have read Dr Claire Weekes' book on the path and lies Anxiety takes us on, it will help you to better understand just how

anxiety works and that it can be beaten at it's own game.

Hang in there my dear. You are not alone, even it if it feels like it at times. You have this

safe place to come to where we all understand. One day, this will all be in the past for you.

P.S. Are you seeing a therapist? Wishing you Calm & Peace today :) xx

Jrlt profile image
Jrlt in reply to Agora1

Ah thank you so much!

I have good days where I feel I’ve got this under control then something happens and I’m right back in the merry go round 🤦🏽‍♀️

Hopefully the book arrives soon it says it’s delayed so I’m a bit frustrated want to get reading it 🙈

I have an appointment in a week with my gps mental health team so hopefully can get somewhere.

You are so right that anxiety feeds us lies 😔 honestly of it was all in my head I would be able to cope just fine it’s the physical symptoms it produces that cause me more worry and fear.

I only have the racing heart etc on mornings where (the night before) I have had heightened anxiety or I’m stuck in a cycle of heightened anxiety when I feel ok my mornings run smoothly no racing heart etc at first I didn’t believe it was anxiety but then I started to connect the dots, once I accepted it it stoped happening every morning and now only happens when I’ve been really anxious and I can actually say to myself it’s going to happen but I will be ok.

The pvcs are the scariest i just can’t seem to shake them, I have had days and at most 2 weeks where they were non existent and in those times my anxiety was fairly low so I know anxiety stress worry etc is a big factor but again stuck on that merry go round the more I feel the more anxious I get so the more they happen 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think these “panic attacks” or assuming that’s what’s happening are happening more frequently just now because I’m feeding them and worrying about them even though they show up at random times I know the thought is always in my head about the next one 🤦🏽‍♀️

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Jrlt

Jrlt, you understand how anxiety takes hold of us but as long as there is that bit of

hesitation in assuming this is what's happening, anxiety will continue to have it's grip on you. I so understand that it's the symptoms that get you going with fear's the thoughts, the fear of fear and the "what ifs" that put you into that physical outcome of fight or flight.

Take a look at "Jeff1943" posts. They are the closest thing you will find to Dr. Weekes writings. And don't forget until you receive her book, YouTube has her videos.

We've got you :) xx

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