Posts - CHADD's ADHD Parents Together | HealthUnlocked

CHADD's ADHD Parents Together

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All posts for October 2021

Stopping Stimulants with Success?

Has anyone tried removing all stimulants from medication protocol for ADHD and o...
Mmagusin profile image

ADHD assignment

Dear members, I am a postgraduate student from Greece and as part of an assignme...
Danaed91 profile image

My teen son eats carbs and sugar and I am so exasperated !!

Hi - does anyone have any thoughts on this issue? We all know that nutrition an...
chakragal profile image
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I would try using a calendar to plan a due; my understanding is that some kid ca...

6 year old son ADHD starting medication

My son is 6 as well and in 1st grade and the preasure and structure of what was ...
MJDMom profile image

Losing too much weight on stimulant

Hello everyone, I am looking for some help finding a medication effective for ad...
Redpanda5 profile image

New diagnosis of ADHD for my 6 year old son

Hello, I am so grateful for this community. Thank you all for sharing your thou...
Liamsmom15 profile image

ADHD Weekly -- New Education Guidelines in Response to COVID-19 Disruptions

The US Department of Education is encouraging schools to provide special educati...
KarenADHDWeekly profile image

another focalin question

my 13 yo daughter takes 7.5 mg in the morning and has been mentioning lots of "j...

Class size of 39 10-year-olds!

I recently went in to observe my fifth-grade son's class. There is 1 teacher, no...
disney_mom profile image

Neurofeedback: Is it effective

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has tried neurofeedback therapy. I have a 12 y...
hedwigpotter profile image

Question on socializing

How can i help my adhd boy to make friends
Kokofem1968 profile image

How to allow for personal space for ADHD 9yo daughter who still gets into everything…

My oldest (9y daughter) is increasingly wishing for more space away from her you...

New member, feeling overwhelmed :(

I am new here, my 6-year-old daughter has ADHD and also her stepdad (my husband)...
simp118 profile image

Natural medicine

Sorry for my question, but I want to ask all of you if there is any natural Medi...
Licaz2008 profile image

Finding Focus - this week, Friday at 12pm ET

If you're interested in joining a virtual encouragement group, please join us th...


Hi, has anyone used L-Theanine for their ADHD kiddo? If so, do you use it in pl...
AEM1 profile image

Getting "F"'s on in class tests..

Our son works so hard in school. Last year he got an A in integrated math 1. Thi...


How do you get used to your child yelling that they hate you on a every other da...
WATTAMOM profile image

ADHD Weekly -- Toppling the Myths of ADHD

ADHD awareness often includes debunking some of the myths that surround the diso...
KarenADHDWeekly profile image

Situational Awareness

I have an 18 yr old son who was diagnosed at 13 with ADHD. For reference he’s on...
sauceboss profile image

Morning struggles

I'm a step parent to a set of twins (boys 8yo) and mornings have been the bigges...
SetofTwins profile image

Adhd teen and sports

Hi! My 14 yr old son is not interested in anything. Throughout elementary school...
maybeck profile image

Hardy Nutrionals supplement

Hi, I read in many posts on this forum about the success people have had using t...
Erezeitan2 profile image

Cyproheptadine (Periactin) for appetite stimulation

We just started giving our 5 year old son cyproheptadine (Periactin) for appetit...
JJMom16 profile image

Medication or herbal solution to ADD

My son is 11 years old and is the youngest in his class! He is currently in 6th ...
BStron profile image

No drugs in the future

Hello everyone! I just wonder is there a possibility to stop taking any drugs fo...

Thoughts on Vyvanse?

Hi there. We are looking at starting meds for the first time for my daughter. I ...
charney0709 profile image


Has anyone tried Adzenys yet? Our son who is 7 just stopped taking quilavent bc ...
Sp8graphics profile image

Friendship/social groups for kids?

Do any of your adhd kids do a friendship or social group? If so would you recomm...
Clue3 profile image

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