Posts - CHADD's ADHD Parents Together | HealthUnlocked

CHADD's ADHD Parents Together

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All posts for January 2021

ADHD and getting older.

I'm 59 and I have ADHD but slowing my pace down. My problem now is getting motiv...

Our son struggles with ADHD, would love support and advise from other parents

Hello! I am new to this community and looking for advise/support. My husband and...
Swede82 profile image

Refusing to take ADHD medicine

My 16yr old son refuses to take ADHD meds. In the past we tried a few non- stimu...
Lapa77 profile image
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Work around with schoology due the software’s limitations

Hi. My grandson is in 8th grade with an iep. The school is using A hybrid tea...
Molliecat profile image

Is less sleep required

I would like feedback from parents and those with ADHD. Do people with ADHD nee...
jam1959 profile image

Guanfacine- 1st Day

Hello everyone! My 9 year old started using Guanfacine last night and started o...
Sy5636 profile image

What is the ideal dose for maximum medication effectiveness Focalin XR

My 17 yr old son has tried several different medications and currently on Focali...
Hidden profile image

ADHD Meds & Breastfeeding

Does anyone have experience with taking ADHD medications breastfeeding? I am new...
RaquelMonique profile image

Parent Seeking Assistance

I’m new here. My son is in 4th grade and has met the criteria for ADHD. We are m...
Suzy76 profile image

"Sure I'll clean my room but I need an Adderall"

"Sure, I'll clean my room. I need an Adderall". My 16 yo takes Adderall on schoo...
wendyks profile image

Therapist recommendations in CA?

Hi all, I’m new to this community, and my 9 yr old has just been diagnosed with ...
New2emom profile image

Trouble Sleeping

Hello, My 11 year old daughter has trouble sleeping, and also has nightmares, i...
Miny11 profile image

ADHD Weekly -- Why Look for Complementary Approaches?

Why do some people seek alternative treatments for ADHD? CHADD’s resident expert...
KarenADHDWeekly profile image

Resources for organizational and executive function help for ADHD child

Can any recommend specific methods or resources to help ADHD child with organizi...
foxyoxy21 profile image

Behavioral problems between My family and my daughter.

My daughter is 11 year old and she recently was diagnosed with ADHD and she’s M...
Miny11 profile image

How are you justifying if new meds are working with social distance learning?

Sometimes I can’t tell if he is just not motivated or the medication is not work...
Sy5636 profile image

Help getting adhd kid 504/IEP

Nothing like having the school principal calling you with an angry attitude sinc...
Nitaraeg profile image

ADHD Medicine side effects.

Since my daughter started to take her ADHD medicine, she gets car sick all the t...
Miny11 profile image

Daughter doesn’t listen

Hello I have a daughter with ADHD. She has a hard time paying attention, does no...
pat1026 profile image

Help! Divorce and Child Trouble

I'm 46...going through a nasty divorce after being married for 21 years. My 9 ye...
Goddessglam profile image

8+ hours of homework a day

Hello, I have a 7th grade son who is in a rigorous online school. He has about ...
Marin_Mom profile image

ADHD teen support group

I was wondering if there is such a thing as a support group or person for my 13y...
Mama_Leah profile image

Help with focus

Hello, As a follow up to my post above, I would appreciate suggestions to help ...
Sassy2019 profile image

Marriage close to collapse due to husband handling of my son with ADHD

Hi. I’m new to this platform and felt I had to talk to someone as I’m at my wit...
Pebbles222 profile image

Foul mouth

Hi I have an 11 year old son with ADHD/anxiety. He is currently on meds, which w...
Hidden profile image

In need of supports for family/son: clinics, psychs recs?

Hi, Looking for a family therapist, or clinical support (UCLA ect) for my son w...
laurenewilder profile image

Just started meds and Wow

We began medication (focalin xr) for my 8 year old about a month and a half ago....
Jgirlie123 profile image

My 15 year old is not getting out of bed - any tips?

Good morning. Pulling my hair out here. My son has had a consistent problem ge...
chakragal profile image

ADHD alarm clock

I'd like to start transitioning my 8 year old with ADHD to an alarm clock but wa...
Laidbackmom profile image

Any recommendations on books?

Any advice on best books to read ? I have a 15 y/o who was recently diagnosed ...
chakragal profile image

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