Can you have candida even if the mouth swab... - Women's Health

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Can you have candida even if the mouth swab test is negative?

zaga90 profile image
1 Reply

Hi everyone, I'm new to the community and would love to hear your thoughts on a recent tongue and throat swab test I took to check for any yeasts, candida and other microorganisms. The reason for doing the test is a persistent white tongue, no other symptoms other than a rhinitis started 2 years ago or so.

To avoid an expensive GI-map test I thought to do a mouth swab with a lab to see if anything would come back positive. The results came back all negative. Additionally, my body hasn't been responding well to a candida diet + antimicrobials (oil of oregano, garlic, etc..) so I'm wondering if this could really be candida / yeast overgrowth or perhaps something else?

Your help is much appreciated


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wobblybee profile image

I sought advice from a Kinesiologist, and a Nurse who was also a Naturopath. Based on my symptoms, and a form of testing they did then ( this was in the early part of 2000), they both concluded I had Candidiasis. My main symptoms had been digestive issues, bladder issues and brain fog, which my GP couldn’t help with.

I was advised to avoid yeast, sugar and carbohydrates, and to take a good Probiotic. Also to take an OTC pill for Thrush/Candida.

These things did help, but inevitably I strayed from the ‘diet’ and have had frequent flare ups. As it happens I’ve had a bad one recently, which included a white coated tongue..

Self diagnosing can have its drawbacks, if this isn’t clearing up and you’re in continual discomfort, definitely speak to your GP to discuss the situation.

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