Ivf: Anyone else going through ivf - Women's Health

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Anyone else going through ivf

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Hi there. I'm a ripe aged woman, years ago diagnosed on luteal phase deffect. Here I've used to hear 'Love, this is not a big deal. Adding some progesteron will definitely help!' So probably it would have helped if only my eggs were healthy..After years of ttc actively and trying things aimed at fertility boosting, like: a sperm friendly lubricant, a supplement with Myo-Inositol, acupuncture, extra vitamin B6 and Zinc, eating fertility friendly foods, getting to the right BMI we did find ourselves at a fertility clinic overseas. Our dr gave us less than tiny verdict of conceiving with oe. So after long discussions decided to go egg donation route. I conceived twins with the 2nd ivf shot. Though the whole process was not smooth and easy. I mean my doubting whether I was naughty with requirements for our donor..What are your concerns?? What clinic are you going to use? Also have you ever considered mitochondrial donation which is becoming more and more popular nowadays?

Hope things are going on right for you xx