Waiting Results: Hi, I am new to this site and... - My Ovacome

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Waiting Results

Jojowootts profile image
9 Replies

Hi, I am new to this site and needed to chat about how worried I am.

I went to the doctors 2 weeks ago with indigestion symptoms but walked away having to go for a CA125 blood test.

I had a call back the following Friday to say my results came back high (197) I have been fast tracked and already had a CT scan and waiting for my ultra sound next week.

I have the common symptoms, bloated, constant backache, problems with my constipation etc I also have pains in my legs and get out of breath when walking.

Obviously I’m worried this could be OC but the wait is so hard, what I need to know is of my CT scan showed anything would they contact me straight away or wait until I have had my other scan and call me in within the 2 week that me limit?

Any advise would really be appreciated.

Thank you x

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9 Replies
Jackie0 profile image

Understand your concern,waiting is really the worst time!! Once you know for sure then you can sort your head out! With regards to results, think it really depends on the particular consultant, some will call others may wait your next appointment.

Wish you well!! Sooner treatment starts the better, do let us know

Much love JackieO xx

CJR99 profile image


Firstly,bless you I totally understand how you must be feeling and we all understand as we’ve been on this journey also.

Though it may not feel this way it’s actually very positive that the doctors have moved fast.Rest assured,CA levels can be outside of the normal range with a wide variety of benign inflammations....in particular Endometriosis.The symptoms are very similar to OC,so it can be a little confusing.

Many lovely ladies on this forum have had CA tests in the normal range yet,still had a diagnosis of OC.My results were 18 pre-surgery but,I had Endometriosis and a malignant tumour in the right ovary.

I know you will be feeling very concerned and I do empathise because the waiting is by far the tough bit.An ultrasound will also be very helpful to your medical team and you may well have the results of your CT scan also.

I’m praying for good news for you and hoping you’ll be feeling much better very soon.

Best wishes,Clare xx

Cropcrop profile image

We all know just how you feel it is an awful time while you’re waiting for results. There’s every chance they will wait for the results of the ultrasound and look at it alongside the CTscan. Your medical team are working at a really good speed and will have some answers once they’ve had a meeting to discuss your case.

As Clare says high CA125 can be attributed to endometriosis and also infections can cause it to rise so try not to panic but try to take comfort from the fact your doctor has responded really speedily and you should hopefully know something very soon.

I truly hope it’s not OC but if it turns out that is the case then we’re all here for you and We will all help you along the way as much as we possibly can. Please stay off Dr Google, he’s not very good at all and the info is very out of date and often totally inaccurate. I have my fingers crossed for you lovely. Let us know how you get on ❤️Xx Jane

Lyndy profile image

Hi there.... sorry to hear you are going through the waiting ( which always seems interminable) . My hospital never discuss my scans until the Oncology appointment because they go to the multi disciplinary team for a decision on diagnosis and treatment. This does take time.

But this way everyone gets an opinion and you should get the best treatment option. You can ask for support before diagnosis from the local cancer centre or the Ovacome helpline or Macmillan help line ( via websites) .

And here of course!

But don’t get ahead of yourself...my friend and I went through this process at the same time...she got a hysterectomy, I got the Oc diagnosis....don’t give up hope xx

I think the doctors have been proactive on this, having the bloods and ct scan and ultra sound. When all results are in they will have a meeting and decide if you need treatment for anything. Waiting is horrible but try to enjoy your days and do something nice every day to take your mind off the results. I imagine they will contact you when all results are in and if not after a week, you make contact, all the best

Jojowootts profile image

Thank you all so much, you have really helped me. It’s been a tough two weeks but I should know one way or another within a couple of weeks. It’s always the waiting and the unknown that makes this all harder. I’m so pleased I found this group to speak to others that understand.

I will keep you posted, and thank you again.



CJR99 profile image
CJR99 in reply to Jojowootts


The ladies on this forum are phenomenal!So warm and friendly...you can ask any question you like and there’s always support and kindness in abundance.

My heart goes out to you,I know the waiting is really tough but,your medical team seem very switched on and it’s always worth remembering they are looking to rule things out to give you the best treatment to make you feel better.

Thinking of you Clare xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Usually they wait for all test results. The only way to confirm cancer is with a histology report. CA125 levels are not conclusive enough and neither is a scan. If they are suspicious of anything they find they will either operate or take a biopsy. So both scan results would be needed for a diagnostic plan


Jo225 profile image

Hi Jo,

I’m also a Jo!

I was told that the medical team act in accordance with priority levels and can’t put you in any risk so if something urgent appears in your scans, you’ll be called in. If the results don’t show anything urgent then they’ll wait and talk to you at your appointment. So I always took no news as good news.

I had two CA 125 tests both results were really low teens and within perfectly normal range yet they discovered clear cell carcinoma cancer in my left ovary while removing an ovarian cyst (the cyst was on my right ovary).

Like the other ladies here have said, CA 125 isn’t a definitive indicator so keep everything crossed and if it is the news you don’t want, this group is amazing! Xx

I had a radical hysterectomy 10 weeks ago and was told on June 6th that they got all of the cancer out and as it was stage 1a I don’t need any further treatment, just monitoring for a few years. Which I’m extremely thankful for x

Waiting is the absolute worst and for me it’s been a terrifying experience but posting on here and learning about others in similar situations has been really helpful and I’m sure it will help you too either way xx Good luck I will keep everything crossed for you! 🤞 xx

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