Do you feel that your doctor understands yo... - Meningitis Now

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Do you feel that your doctor understands your after-effects:

MNClaireD profile imageMNClaireDPartnerMeningitis Now35 Voters

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3 Replies
Winnies profile image

I have gained more information off the internet. When i asked about the pains in my leg the Dr said lets check ure circulation, i have circulation thats not the problem!

Captainbeaky profile image

I'm recovering from VM since November.

My doc has done a lot of research and got me on a good set of medication that is helping to keep the migraines at bay, and I am slowly recovering.

But, I have caught a chest infection now.

So, following my docs advice, I got straight to the surgery, but had to go to another doctor, as my regular doc was off today.

This new doc is usually a bit grumpy and offhand when you describe symptoms, but he completely changed today when he heared of my plight. He was very honest, and told me that he hadn't come across VM, and we had a good chat about my symptoms and my treatment plan.

He listened very intently when I described the symptoms - I am usually fairly fit, and a keen motorcyclist ( to his dismay) He was shocked to hear that I haven't ridden my motorbike since November ( I normally ride it whenever it isn't raining!)

I pointed him toward Meningitis Now, so hopefully one more doc has a bit of an insight into this horrible condition.

MNClaireD profile image
MNClaireDPartnerMeningitis Now in reply to Captainbeaky

Thanks for sharing this. It is so good to learn that this doctor has been supportive and will now have a better insight of the impact of viral meningitis. Often it is just a last of experience in dealing with those who have suffered from viral meningitis.

All too often, people are told that they will have recovered in a few weeks’ time. This may be the case for some, but as we know only too well, for others recovery it is a long slow process.