How do you cope every 'episode'? - Endometriosis UK

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How do you cope every 'episode'?

gwynn_futon profile image
8 Replies

I have recently been diagnosed, and I dont know how to cope. I get severe pains every months, 3 times I have been put in hospital on morphine, and I dont know when its that bad do I go to hospital everytime or do I just cry and cry in agony until it passes at home?? How do you all get through it?

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gwynn_futon profile image
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8 Replies
Amy080710 profile image

Hi, I am much the same and have been admitted over 8 times in the last year. Your doctor should put you on a pain plan to try and help you so you don't have to be admitted. I have several stages of pain relief I can take at home before I go into hospital if its so bad. You almost have to get your head round it. Warmed wheat bags help with the pain, warm showers and relaxed breathing but other than that I to end up in hospital. But you should defo get some sort of pain relief to keep in at home. My house looks like Boots lol. Hope I have helped a little and you feel a little better. Remember your not alone. xx


I have never gone to hospital but I know excacly where you are coming from. I have recently been diagnosed and they have fitted the Mirena coil. I have just had the morning from hell at work to the point where they were going to send me home, which I don't want. I am also struggling to find ways to control pain apart from taking tramadol and co-dydramol, I think the best thing is rest and a warm bath. Sometimes a good cry can make you feel better and good support from family and friends (and this site). Good luck xx

helenkitty profile image
helenkitty in reply to

I took those for a while but it didn't work. Have you asked about Solpadol? x

noodles profile image

I was advised to start painkillers before the pain started. Easier said than done if you have pain most days! However, the worst pain of all for me is during menstruation. I chart my temperature as my cycles have always been irregular (ironically they seem to be regular as clockwork this last few months!) so I know when I'm due, as my temperature drops, I then start to take an nsaid (ibuprofen or voltarol) plus paracetemol every 4 to 5 hours. I also take tranxenamic acid 4 times a day for the first 3 days of my cycle which does assist with cramping but doesn't kill it all. I think perhaps it's trying to find a combination that works for you. When my pain is really bad, I find a hot salt water bath very soothing, but more often now I can only take the edge off the pain as it's getting worse and worse. I have a lap in 2 weeks and it can't come soon enough.

helenkitty profile image

I have been to hospital twice with pain but having ovarian cysts don't help either. I was given very strong painkillers which never helped. It came to the point where I was taking 4 at a time, basically overdosing myself, just to be knocked out for a few hours. Apart from that, nothing made the pain go away. I wouldn't advise taking loads of painkillers because it's a very stupid thing to do.

I'm lucky enough to not of had a period for 3 months now because of a jab i'm on, but now it's wearing off, i'm starting to get pains again :(

I really hope that you find something that works for you soon xx

Lou_R profile image

Pain killers often work better if you take them over a period of time, so ask you GP not just WHAT to take but HOW to take. I have always found a TENS machine really good too, used either on its own or with the pain killers. GOOD LUCK.

wifeybunny profile image

I have been admitted three times (and on the third time i had the laprsopcy done that semi helped the pain but its not for everyone) with in the past two years and was almost admitted for the fourth time if my cycle didnt go away on the 35 day meaning I had my cycle for one month and five days it finally went away on the fifth day, but mind you I ended up with bronchitis afterwards my immune system couldnt handle it. Im taking norenthdrone three times a day that keeps my cycle at bay no cramps but cycle systems every time im due. For pain relief, I use lavender heating pad that helps amazingly. For extreme pain im proscribed naperoxen and percecot only for when I double over. I stay away from sweets, soy, salty foods, anything that has suace or gravy on it, caffeinated drink( if I want coffee I have decafe.) I do have lighty salted soup, sparkling ice drinks(no carbonation or sugar in it), I have a piece of choclate, and oatmeal. For relaxing tips I meditate, put on a funny movie, paint draw, sometimes I even rock back and forth it does help until it passes. Each person is different with their endometriosis, women who have less endometriosis tend to have more pain then women who have alot of endometriosis wierd, but it is fact. Keep positive things around you and have positive thoughts, keep things that calm you down I like to use lavender aroma theropy spray or cream, I also like ginger and cinnamon smells, find things that interests you it helps you deal wwith the pain. I have only have my endometriosis for a year I hope this helps...

wifeybunny profile image
wifeybunny in reply to wifeybunny

Chocolate acts like an anti inflammatory its the only sweets or should say candy I have

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