Struggles emptying bladder??: Hi ladies... - Endometriosis UK

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Struggles emptying bladder??

Lofty1589 profile image
30 Replies

Hi ladies, just wondering if this is something that seems normal...

The past few days, I have been going to the loo for a wee and finding it difficult to go “normally” I’m guessing it is due to the horrible pain I experience every day but I feel like I can’t “push” all the urine out so have to stay seated for what feels like ages just to go for a wee.

(Bowel movements are a whole other ballpark. Either way, both are painful!)

Does this happen to anyone else at all? Thank you in advance 💛

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Lofty1589 profile image
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30 Replies

Hello Lofty,

I was having the same problem, but after having a pelvic floor physiotherapy things became better.

I really recommend you go and see one, you will feel better hopefully 🤞🏻

Take care hun xx💛

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to

That’s not something I’ve considered before. I’ll have a think about it - thank you! 💜

in reply to Lofty1589

No problem 😊 good luck! xxx

ali_cupcake profile image


I’ve been struggling a lot too with going to the toilet with both bladder and bowel movements. I feel as though my bladder is full and I have the urge to go for a wee all the time but hardly anything comes out each time. It hurts to push and it’s abnormal to push. It’s so frustrating!!!With my lap last Tuesday I have also been diagnosed with something called painful bladder syndrome. It could be that you have it too as our symptoms are extremely alike! To diagnose it though I had a camera into my bladder but I know it correlates very commonly with Endo. You’re not alone! Hope you’re feeling better soon xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to ali_cupcake

Hopefully I’ll find out what’s going on when I have my diagnostic lap - whenever the fuck that happens 😅 Thank you for your reply xx

ali_cupcake profile image
ali_cupcake in reply to Lofty1589

Good luck! Xx

Vickysponge357 profile image

Hello, yes I experience this aswell. I have to sit there and really keep pushing to empty other wise I just have to keep going back all of the time!

My urine dip has been positive for blood for 5 months but with no infection. I have a gp appointment this morning to find out what urology think of it! Xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Vickysponge357

Hopefully you can get it sorted soon! Xx

Claireb79 profile image

Hi Lofty, yes I had this too. After my laparoscopy things were a lot easier as the surgeon was able to remove a lot of the endo. Fingers crossed your issues will get better after your laparoscopy too but make sure you tell the surgeon the problems when comes to see on the day of the op. That way it will be fresh in his mind when he is doing the surgery and can take extra care to look for endo in that region.

Good luck x

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Claireb79

Thank you for your reply! I’ll make sure to do that, yeah xx

Riajane profile image


To wee and poo for me when I was 'on' was painful and not normal. I was diagnosed with endometriosis back in 2008 with significant growth on my bowel, hence having a poo was more like having a baby!! I didn't realise this until I actually had a baby but wow it hurt. I've different on and off with the endo and painful toilet issues but got on with it. It was only recently that I had a endometriosis flair up and with that which is another story came the painful poos and discomfort when weeing, like I couldn't push to empty. Due to complications with the nhs I've gone private and I'm waiting for an operation date.

Do you have endometriosis?

Hope this has helped.

Ria x

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Riajane

Thank you for your reply! All my symptoms match up to being Endo. I’m awaiting a diagnostic laparoscopy but no idea when that’ll be. I have considered going private but when you earn £3.90 an hour, private is just impossible xx

Riajane profile image

If you read my past posts you will see what a nightmare I've been having since the end of Jan, I physically can't wait for the nhs anymore, I'm on regular tramadol and oramorph as I'm experiencing pain in lower back, hips and legs when I walk. I recommend that you get a book called The Dr will see you now by Dr Seckin. He explains endo in such a simple way. With this you will be able to educate some drs for sure!! Endo ist isn't understood, if you can understand it then you can be in control of your treatment, nhs or private.

Wishing you all the best, keep us posted.

Ria xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Riajane

I did buy that book after a few others recommended it and it really helped me better understant what I’m going through. Not to mention took away a lot if doubt that it is all in my head like doctors have led me to believe in the past.

I’m the same as you. Taking Tramadol every day to attempt to squash the awful pain I have in my hips, pelvis and thighs. Just last night, despite being utterly exhausted, it took me over 3 hours to get to sleep thanks to pain and nausea and kept waking up during the night. My Fitbit tracked me as only having 2 hours sleep so I feel awful. Yesterday wasn’t great either after fainting and then sleeping for 3 hours after but that doesn’t matter when I have no choice but to go to work as I am basically bullied into not having time off after the level of sickness I’ve had previously xx

Riajane profile image

Have you been offered zoladex injections? I had my 1st one on 10th March and it certainly helped with the pains I had inside my pelvis, I've had the 2nd one too and due 3rd on 7th may but hoping to have surgery asap.

I've been signed off work since 7th March not ideal but necessary because I need to get me better. I've worked there since Sept 2015 and had a bad attendance due to endo before. I can honestly say that they are being supportive, I've kept them update with what's happening and how I'm doing physically and mentally.

You need to get well for you, did you mention your age before?

It's wrong for an employer to bully you into not having time to heal, have you discussed this with you GP?

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Riajane

My work have been nothing but unsupportive with my health. I’ve tried explaining to them that when I’m off it’s because I really cannot hold on anymore and my body shuts down. But they don’t care. I have my second Occupational Health appointment on Friday to discuss all this again in the hopes my manager will listen to another professional’s opinion of how I’m doing. I’m almost at the end of a 6 week “informal period” where I am allowed no more than 5 days absence in that period which has been horrific for me. I’ve deliberately had to push myself in - mentally and physically reaching my limit - because I feel I can’t have time off.

I’m on Annual Leave next Thursday and Friday so hoping to get a GP appointment and just know they’ll want to sign me off because I’m not coping. My days end up being 12 hours long thanks to commuting and I don’t sleep as it is so just in a constant state of exhaustion.

My manager told me that I should be better when I come back from being off sick and I told her that if that were the case, she wouldn’t see me for months because of how bad I feel.

I’m waiting for my surgery to happen (GP sent in another expedite letter but doubt that will help move things along) and whilst I’m recovering from it, I’m going to look for a new job.

I’m only 19 years old. I haven’t been offered those injections, no. I’m apparently being fitted with the Mirena during my lap. (Not sure if that will do the same sort of thing?) xx

Riajane profile image
Riajane in reply to Lofty1589

Oh my you have had it rough. With regards to work, just be honest to them. Tell them the detailsif needs be. If they don't respect that then they are not the right employer for you. Your dr will probably sign you off because you arent fit to work but i inderstand what tour feeling. I was 19 a fair while ago now but remember it well. I wasn't in the job sector that I found a few years later, and that I still work in. Hopefully after your lap you will know for definite whats going on down there. As for the injections, you maybe too young. I had the marina coil after my 2nd child. It helped my heavy periods and cramps and fatigue for nearly a year but then my body decided that it didn't like it and things got bad again. If you want anymore advise or just someone to rant at, I'm here. You can private message on here too I believe.

Sending you hugs

Ria xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Riajane

Thank you so much for your responses. I’m thinking of just biting the bullet when it comes to work and if I’m signed off, I’m signed off because I need it. I may see if the dr is able to write something for my manager to see just so they’re off my back. I’ve tried telling them some details but with my Occupational Health referral on Friday, I’m going to talk in depth about how I feel and hope that’ll do xx

Riajane profile image
Riajane in reply to Lofty1589

Will be thinking of you Friday, let me know how it goes. I finally got my op date for 13th May, couldn't get it any sooner so I'm going to stick with that. Just hope a total hysterectomy does the trick for me because I've tried everything else over the past 20 years!!!

Chin up lovely and keep true to yourself, then you can't go wrong

Ria xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Riajane

Thank you, Ria! Oh goodness! Hopefully that will bring some positive results for you - only a few weeks left now! Xx

MID123 profile image

Thank you for sharing this - Reading this has really helped me! I thought I was alone / weird for needing a wee what feels like 1000 times a day, it’s a lot that people do notice and comment on it.

I really struggle with emptying my bladder too (and as you said the same with dowel movements 🙄) After my lap things did get better but it’s still an issue! Especially at night.

The comments have helped me to think of ways to help which I hadn’t considered!

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to MID123

I do love being a part of this forum because there is always someone else going through the same thing or something very similar! Xx

Amelie8 profile image

Yes. It hurts to much, seems to be when I'm ovulating but not always. I have been an urologist and all is fine. Can't get to the bottom of it 😓 sorry you're struggling too.

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to Amelie8

It is certainly no fun, that’s for sure! 😭 xx

hm89 profile image

In the week to 10 days after my period I can wee but I find it so painful, especially toward the end so sometimes I cant completely empty my bladder. I get cold sweats and cry sometimes. I had some endo removed from my bladder but so far haven't noticed but improvement.

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to hm89

Oh goodness! I can get cold sweats too which isn’t fun. Endo certainly isn’t fun - although, I can only really say endo symptoms since I’ve not been diagnosed xx

T0rr1dredcharger profile image

The endometriosis could be obstructing your bowel and bladder. Mine obstructed my bowel. After I had it removed I had less constipation and it was less painful to go. Hope this helps ☺

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to T0rr1dredcharger

It does. Thank you for your reply! 💛

lou840 profile image

Hi, I’ve had an issue with my bladder before and after my excision op where I feel like I’m having to push down or bend over to push out the pee. My pelvic floor therapist suggested using a stool or foot step to put my feet on, Id only tried that before to help with bowel movements, and was surprised it did help, made it less painful, less pushing and an actual flow. Hope yours gets sorted soon x

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to lou840

I’ll have a think about that! Thank you for your reply xx

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