Health Check: is it bad to pop your pimples? - CLL Support

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Health Check: is it bad to pop your pimples?

AussieNeil profile image
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While not CLL specific, this article by Michelle Rodrigues, Consultant Dermatologist, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne may be of interest to those of us still plagued by pimples:

Given our increased risk of infection, particularly if we are neutropenic, I'd take the advice not to pop pimples very seriously and given my recent hospital admittance from a skin infection, I also wouldn't feel all that silly about seeing a doctor to deal with an inflamed pimple.

One thing not covered in the article is whether there is any way to hasten a pimple's demise without squeezing? Does alternating a hot and cold wet flannel against the pimple help it on its way to clearing and reduce the time you have to put up with a painful area from a blind pimple?


Photo: Ant hill in the scrub. I don't think the flooding rains arrived either...

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