Core Strength isn't just about push-ups - Push Yourself

Push Yourself

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Core Strength isn't just about push-ups

5 Replies

I've just done this exercise. You can see that core strength involves strenghthening many different abdominal muscles. Push ups are part of the picture but what about obliques ...

5 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Your so right.  That's why most of us in here are doing a variety of exercises all to our own abilities.  I think that's  why they called they forum push yourself rather than push up.  It all started because a lot of people on bridge to 10km wanted to do a push up challenge but it's grown into a more rounded site with just core and Stregnth.  The video looks good I might take bit to add into my own workout as I get stronger. 

ju-ju- profile image

looks great, and a bit scary!!!

in reply to ju-ju-

No Jessica is not scary and the exercises are always doable

samsonandrew profile image

That looks good and possible to do. My back needs help and a good core will definitely help. I will have to give it a go. 

For back pain this one is great.