funny! Scared to death by ….. some pringles! - Changing Faces

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funny! Scared to death by ….. some pringles!

2 Replies

just thought I’d share this wierd thing with you all, just because its funny and I hope you will find it funny too.

we’re currently on holiday and were in our room before bed last night. Mrs CB had a wine on the go, and I was trying to catch up on a TV programme I’d missed.

we had a tube of potato crisps on the go, had a few then put the top back on. A few minutes later…. And i kid you not, the tube exploded, lept 2 feet sideways and put the crisps all over the hotel floor.

holy cow, did we jump or what?! We went to bed extremely nervous.

Turns out the air pressure dropped, which turned the crisp tube into a big party popper!

Try explaining that to a hotel manager!🤣🤣

2 Replies
Yellow-wellies profile image

OMG - this is funny but equally shocking at the same time. 😆😆😆

Enjoy your holiday. 👍🏻

Lemonqueen profile image

Haha, seems apt they were Pringles, sold as the popping go to party snack.. pity you never caught it on camera, Pringles would have loved it!

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