Crunched my first stone πŸ˜€: Good morning... - Weight Loss Support

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Crunched my first stone πŸ˜€

β€’37 Replies

Good morning

well I decided to get on the scales this morning which I should have done last Sunday and I didn't.

The reason I hesitated and didn't weigh myself was because I have recently had a bout of labyrinthits which severly impacted on my mobility - very low steps less than 200 per day. My balance was so poor I couldn't physically do anymore 😲- I felt very down however I did get some wonderful support and advice from this site thank you for helping me put things in to perspective.😊 thank you again to those who contacted me I really do appreciate it.

Well I took the bull by the horns this morning and stepped on the scales. The reason for my hesitation was I felt if i had gained i couldn't deal with the disappointment.

I started my journey on 15th July about 6 weeks ago weighing in at 16.7 today my weight is 15.7. I have lost 1 stone and feeling delighted with my loss.

I have been able to increase my steps gradually but not where I want to be still residual balance issues therefore I am adopting the tortoise ethos at the moment.

Hope you all have a good week the weekend is not far away ☺

37 Replies
VickyDLM profile image
VickyDLM2 stone

Sometimes, it's best to be the tortoise! You definitely don't want to push things too hard and have your recovery go backwards so I think you're doing the right thing. And it's not like a race, you have the rest of your life to win! :)

in reply to VickyDLM

Thank you for your advice and support VickyDLM I have taken it on board -your spit on.

I believe one of my downfalls if I listen to my beloved is - and he only said this to me yesterday "you expect things done straight away " ops!

Your right I still need to take things steady.☺

slimpickings profile image
slimpickings2 stone

This is fantastic news, well done. Xx. Remember that the tortoise wins the race. Xxx

in reply to slimpickings

Oh thank you slow but sure☺

moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone

Woohoo Tp! WTG you! That's an absolutely brilliant result! :)

I'm glad to hear that things are starting to improve slightly and being a tortoise myself, would like to welcome you to our very exclusive club! ;)

Keep up the great work and wishing you a speedy recovery :)

in reply to moreless

Oh thank you - brilliant idea you need to start the tortoise club ie Walkers 🐒V RunnersπŸ’ƒ. Good research idea moreless 😊

I wish I could run again we do take things for granted sometimes.

Believe it or not i used to run cross country for Lincolnshire when younger. I was then built like a marabou stork!

I only said to beloved whilst watching the Olympics power walking when your young no ever tells you to keep your fitness up or you will loose it. If only!πŸ˜‚

moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone in reply to

Unfortunately, youth is wasted on the young! It's only when it's long gone, that we realise how foolish we were to waste it! :)

Tortoises forever! :)

in reply to moreless

Spot on moreless🐒

Itsbab profile image

Wow! Fantastic news and glad to hear you are on the right side of being poorly now. Slow and steady wins the race πŸ’πŸ‘

in reply to Itsbab

Oh thank you Bev I am very pleased. πŸ˜‚

Thought I would fall at the first hurdle to be honest but I am still in it to win it for meπŸ‘

IndigoBlue61 profile image

That's excellent news Hidden πŸ˜ŠπŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š so pleased for you 😊

I am another who wants instant recovery but if I may I will join you on the tortoise bench πŸ˜‚

Good luck 😊

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Hi Anna61

Thank you yes there is room on the bench 🏁🎿- your more than welcome 🐒have a good weekend ☺

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

And you 😊 I've had a couple of hours of labyrinthitis πŸ˜• Horrid πŸ˜• Hope you soon on the mend

Good morning Concerned

Thank you for your response i appreciate you taking the time to respond.

I will have to read and digest your response I will get back to you later if that's OK. πŸ˜‰

Itsbab profile image

Hi concerned I am really interested In the low carb diets I am unsure on this fructose issue how it interacts with our body, is there a web site that you can recommend that gives basic information on the best diets to aim for.

My diet used to be awful, far too many fats and sugars, now I have changed it I feel much better but am aware I might not be eating enough categories of foods needed to keep the body healthy.

Thanks Bev

That's wonderful I'm so pleased for you and pleased to hear your better :)

in reply to

Thank you E1 for your support. I am better than I was - still a little dizziness but not like it was.🐒

Have a good weigh in and weekend. ☺

Fit-ishPlum profile image

Excellent news on the weightloss!! Go you!!

Glad to hear things are improving also!

in reply to Fit-ishPlum

Thank you Fit-is plum. I appreciate your support.🐒

Have a good weekend ☺

IndigoBlue61 profile image

I am (obviously) quite interested in healing and foods that encourage/promote healing at the moment, so I will check that out, thank you Hidden 😊

70plus profile image

Oh I am so pleased for you-great to have an up when you have had a few downs.

Keep smiling and have a happy weekend.

70plus profile image

I am all for the tortoise club and keep telling myself that any number of steps is better than none at all but I do enjoy reading the achievements of others on the forum.

in reply to 70plus

So do I 70plus and your more than welcome to join the tortoise group. The more the merrier! 🐒

I suppose what I was also saying in a roundabout way the last week and a half has been achieved by health eating opposed to steps.

Although I understand further down the line I will have to consider upping my steps. ☺

Welcome to the 🐒club your officially a key member ☺

Itsbab profile image

Thanks for posting the video I understand a lot more now and will look at the other videos he has done also.

Funny how this change of diet is really leading onto wanting to understand food groups and their benefits to the human body I realise how much brightly coloured packaged rubbish their is out there. ⭐️😊

70plus profile image

Thank you. πŸ™‚

Arthrath profile image

Hi trulyplumtious,

I must be having a touch of dyslexia this morning... Thought you had a touch of ladybirditis. ;)

Yes it could be ladybirditis🐞 or lazybirditis 🐲even better description due to constant balance issues struggling to get steps in. Anything other than labyarinthitis.

Like your wit ☺

70plus profile image
70plus in reply to

An in between exercise when the world around you is a bit unstable is to sit and walk with only the legs.

It is a bit of a cheat but better than nothing and my Fitbit on my neck

medi alert cord registers it.....yay!

in reply to 70plus

Good one 70plus I agree though it probably is cheating.😁

70plus profile image
70plus in reply to

True but my conscience is a tad less guilty feeling that I have managed to move something rather than no exercise at all.

I will watch your progress and hope your health improves pdq.

in reply to 70plus

Thank you for your comments. I understand what your saying.

Have you looked on you tube for chair based exercises they are very good and may help you.

I have just bought a reebok resistance band and I am finding it very useful and you can do that sat down and I am really feeling the benefits. They come in different strengths I bought medium I think it was about 7.99 with free postage. AMAZON.

You can exercise pretty easily most of your body whilst seated. I do recommend them. There are cheaper options. 🐒☺

Have a good weekend πŸ’•

70plus profile image

Sounds interesting - I am on the case next.

Thank you. 🐒

in reply to 70plus

Oh that's great πŸ’ͺ -just keep us informed. Can't sit to see what you think 🐒🌈

Claire2stone profile image

Fantastic Hidden !!! Well done you πŸ˜€ imagine what your going to achieve when your 100% fit again xx

in reply to Claire2stone

Oh Thanks Claire

Yes I think I have turned the corner thank you -just trying to play catch up on lost steps. Have a good weekend πŸ˜‹

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to

You'll be fine 🌞 have a fantastic weekend and get in as many steps as you can ... it's sooooooo worth it !!!

miopus profile image

That's a really interesting video about what sugar is - carbohydrate and fat.

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