No quick fixes :-/: Really struggling... - Weight Loss Support

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No quick fixes :-/

llb25 profile image
5 Replies

Really struggling, focusing on my fitness but that isn't resulting in weight loss. My body is changing shape but I want to see the numbers go down :(

If I'm honest I'm feeling really down and this has led to me eating badly for 3 days.

Kick up the backside needed if anyone wants to oblige? Any help is really appreciated...

Thank you

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llb25 profile image
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5 Replies
notsobigmama profile image

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get back on the bus, nuckle down and just do it!

You know what you need to do to get yourself back on track - you have done it before and can continue with it.

We've all had times when we have stuck and feel like you are doing, but you have to give yourself a shake and get back into the swing of it. None of us can do that for you, you have to want it.

Try a slight change to what you were doing previously - perhaps having fruit for breakfast instead of porridge or cereal. Sometimes a small change can make a difference.

Seriously though - kick up the backside over - Best of luck, I have been there myself and know that you have to find something to motivate you. For me it was taking a pair of trousers back out of the charity bundle as I had nothing "comfy" to wear.

Keep us posted of how you are doing. Forget the blip and carry on regardless!

llb25 profile image

Thank you, that was just what I needed. Feeling a little better this morning and have my day planned and a class booked for tonight.

Also going to increase my water intake :)

Thank you and I will keep you posted

Lingmell profile image


I can really sympathise - I am in exactly the same situation this evening. Have not lost weight for 3 weeks even though I have kept to my diet and excercised a lot. Guess its just one of those things life throws at us.

I know that sometimes I lose weight without feeling that I have done enough to 'Deserve' it and at other times I dont lose weight when I feel I have 'deserved' it.

Despite all temptation to give in to the 'I cant do it ' monkey that sometimes sits on all of our shoulders my plan is to stick to it anyway- I hope you manage to do the same. Good luck.

First off, I'd say don't sweat the numbers too much if you're happier with your body shape. Instead, use that as a reason not to give up. I was looking through your earlier posts, you've come a long way, imagine how much more down you would feel if you undid all your hard work. I think you're already ok from what notsobigmama said, just wanted to add another voice :)

llb25 profile image

Thanks :) away with my man for the next two days and I think there will be lots of calories consumed! Just need to get straight back on it from Saturday :)

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