Whats the most important advantage to... - Vegan Foods for Life

Vegan Foods for Life

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Whats the most important advantage to you of being a vegan? this is a single choice poll so please feel free to say what other is.

9 Voters
Disease prevention
Longevity as vegans/vegetarians tend to live longer
Better health, vegans tend to have better eyesight and skin
Improved mood/happier
Protect global environment/Ethical eater
Physical fitness
Weight loss
4 Replies
Agoodenough profile image

I went vegan purely because I have developed a consciousness that eating animals is wrong and I am against animal cruelty. As a consequence but not a reason for me going vegan I have great skin, look vibrant and younger for my age and have more energy. Also I used to have oesophageal spasms which I no longer have. A win win situation 🌱🐷🐢🐰🐠πŸ₯πŸŽπŸ„πŸŒ±

andyswarbs profile image

All of these. Initially addressing my arthritis but all the others come in free-gratis.

Although I am a vegetarian and not vegan I do eat a vegan food i.e. I have made Quinoa Burgers for tonight's dinner. Two of the reasons I have become a vegetarian is because I don't actually like meat and I feel awful eating animals. Also, I really enjoy eating quite a bit of vegan food.

HealthSeeker7 profile image

My whole family - parents, brother, sister and I - became vegetarian in the 1960's when I was 12. Most of us are now mostly or totally vegan. Our main reason for giving up meat was to avoid the bad karma of killing animals unnecessarily for food. But we have all reaped the benefits of being healthier and living longer than many of our meat eating friends and family. My father is about to celebrate his 100th birthday. He has already lived 50 years longer than his mother, 30 years longer than his father, and he has outlived all his siblings (who were all younger than him) by 1 to 3 decades. All of them ate meat all their lives. My dad still walks without a walking stick or other aid, he still drives and he has been married to my healthy 92 year old mother for 72 years. My parents still live independently. I consider them two of my best friends. I am so grateful for the example of kindness they set for me early in life, and to still have them in my life now. I attribute their longevity to their plant food diet.