Have you ever been asked to leave a publi... - Tourettes Action

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Have you ever been asked to leave a public place because of your tics?

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6 Replies
catherinem profile image

Myself and 2 friends who also have cop were asked to show our identic cards and asked to "keep it down".

yes i was told to get off the Bus with my son Charlie because charlie was making noises. But i refused to get of the Bus i will not allow my son to be discriminated against, any how i won the day you see Touretters have the same rights as any other group and my advice to people with Tourette's dont be confrontational but always speak up for yourselves. If people have a problem with your ticks thats there problem not yours.

I suppose school will count as a public place. I was 11 and had quite loud vocal tics. My teacher told me I had to step out of the class if I didn't stop what I was doing. What was a child with TS supposed to do? Well, I decided to put my fingers in my mouth...muffled the sound a bit but I felt really horrible!

I was 30 years old taking a qualifying exam. Was in the very front of the exam room occasionally producing what I thought was a mild vocal tic which I tried to disguise as throat clearing. I guess the examiner was not pleased and approached me and told me to follow her...and follow her I did... outside the exam room where a seat was waiting for me just infront of the door! I can understand that I may have been distracting the other examinees but what I actually found very annoying was that she did not even have the courtesy to tell me why she did that! Anyway, these days, whenever I have to sit an exam, I always request for my own room and I think it works better that way.

LittleClapham profile image

I got told to leave an exam at college because I was nervous so my tics were bad. I was 'distracting the other students' apparently. I shouted for my carer to come over and explain and they had an argument for about 10 minutes about why I should/should not be allowed to stay (I was told to come back on another day where inevitabley they would have told me to leave AGAIN!). During the 10 minute argument, I finished the assessment and not only passed but got the best pass grade in the whole college! The look on the woman's face when I showed her! Apart from that one incident most people are just rude and comment indirectly, 'why's a person like THAT allowed out in public' and things like that.

Nomad profile image

No! They wouldn't dare! Mind you, tomorrow I might remember such an incident from the long and distant past but no, not in recent memory

<b>Updated on Nov 18 2010 3:01PM:</b> Just read the other posts and someone mentioned school. In my post I'm not classing school as a public place because that nighmare was a whole new ball game of oppression, discrminiatio, prejudice, intimidation and downright bullying - oh by the way I'm taliking about the teachers here not the other kids

LoopeyLOLhanz profile image

Kind of! In the house of commons, when I was on a school trip!

I thought to myself mind your own business.

But they did try and ask me to move because I making sounds in my vocal tics, when we explained they were alright with it! I bet they were thinking that I was pulling a fast one on them, durrrrrr I was NOT so..

People with tourettes, if you try and explain someone but they don't want to know then that 'THEIR' problem 'NOT YOURS' never 4get that! :D