Blood test results, anxiety : I had blood tests... - IBS Network

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Blood test results, anxiety

Bubbles8592 profile image
32 Replies

I had blood tests done a few weeks ago after being really anxious about symptoms. The doctor text me last week asking me to Book a routine appointment, which I have done, But I have been worried ever since. Would they have called me if something was urgent? Or is there definitely something wrong considering they've asked me to call? The doctor knew I was very anxious before ordering the blood tests so I don't know whether she's asking me to call for my own peace of mind or if it's because there is something wrong. It's making me feel terrible. My anxiety is through the roof.

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Bubbles8592 profile image
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32 Replies

Probably anxiety, they probably would call you into see them anyway.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I did speak to a doctor a week ago, although his English wasn't great and I couldn't really understand him. He said my vitamin D levels were low and something about inflammatory markers but I couldn't make out what. I'm worried sick waiting for this other doctor (who I can hopefully understand) to answer. I get a mixture of diarrhoea and constipation, with bloating too. No stomach pain just discomfort on my upper left side. Excessive wind as well. I'm just so so scared it's consuming my mind and energy.

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Bubbles8592

May mean they just need to do bloods again I've had inflammatory on 1of my blood test but it came back normal the next time they did it. Try not to worry and hope everything is ok. Let us know how u get on.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to 3443Ness

I just called and spoke to a nice receptionist who said they are all fine but the CRP one needs doing again. I don't know what that is or what that means and now I'm scared even more.

3443Ness profile image
3443Ness in reply to Bubbles8592

Think it could be u may have an infection somewhere like I said I had 1 that came back the same but when I repeated the blood test it came back normal. I also had a stool sample that came back abnormal faecal calprotectin and I was worried but when I repeated the stool sample again it came back normal so try not to worry and I hope everything is ok

Beau63 profile image

Can you not call and ask them the results I can do that at my surgery ? If it was urgent the doctor would of called you and spoke to you directly so I wouldn’t worry.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to Beau63

I have numerous times, but to no avail. They say they can't see anything. I've explained how anxious I am too but it does nothing. The worry is crippling me.

Andann profile image

In New Zealand we have online portals where we can see the test results. Do you have this? Also I agree with others - if serious or urgent GP would have rung you. Symptoms all sound like IBS to me.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to Andann

I don't have any portal unfortunately. Could ibs show high CRP result? I don't know how high it is, I spoke to a receptionist.

xjrs profile image

The CRP is C Reactive Protein and can be used as an inflammation marker. Like others, I have had high inflammation markers and have had the test repeated and the results have come back normal. Even if your CRP remained high and you were referred to gastroenterlogy for further tests, statistically far far more people come back with an IBS diagnosis than anything else. Once diagnosed with IBS (or any other condition for that matter) there is much that can be done to help your symptoms. When in the same position as you, I decided not to discuss it with anyone and just concentrate on what I had to do day to day and not think too far ahead. The problem with worry is that the process of worrying is often far worse than any outcome from what you are worrying about. There are only 2 things of importance right now 1) getting the test repeated and 2) distracting yourself and keeping yourself busy until you get the result. Good luck.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to xjrs

Thank you for your reply. For background, my mum died when I was young, and I suffer with anxiety. I worry about everything and everyone. Not just myself or my own health. I always think the worst, and I know you shouldn't Google, but I'm convinced I have cancer.

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to Bubbles8592

Sorry to hear that. Have you been getting any help with your anxiety? When things happen to people when they are young, it can impact the rest of their lives, which is understandable, but you don't have to live this way for the rest of your life if you get the right help. If you are in the UK you can self refer for assistance without needing doctor:

Also having such events in your past can predispose you to IBS. There is a direct link between the gut and the brain and this could explain the symptoms that you are getting now.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to xjrs

Thank you. Could that explain the raised CRP? I also suffer quite badly with psoriasis.

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to Bubbles8592

Unfortunately I am not a doctor. This is something that you would need to ask a doctor. What I do know is that there is a potential link between psoriasis and the health of the gut microbiome and also between IBS and the health of the gut microbiome. The best diet for improving your gut microbiome is the Mediterranean Diet. There is a discussion about that

Also if you have a gut bacterial imbalance that is causing IBS (and psoriasis), a good probiotic such as Alflorex might help. In fact a member of my family has psoriasis and I found a study that the bacterial strain in Alflorex may assist with psoriasis. This is the probiotic I take for my IBS and it is the probiotic that has helped me the most.

I had highly raised inflammation markers within the last couple of years. Funnily enough this came after I was put on a highly restricted diet (with no fibre), antibiotics and antimicrobials by nutritional therapists. This I sorely regretted. My inflammation markers were normal before I started this treatment. I also attended a course on the microbiome, where I learned that high protein low fibre diets can increase systematic inflammation in the body. This may be due to the detrimental effect on the gut microbiome. A healthier microbiome helps to reduce this type of inflammation.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to xjrs

Thank you. This is all on the assumption of course that it's not something more serious. People say the GP would have called by now but I can't be so sure.

xjrs profile image
xjrs in reply to Bubbles8592

I do think if it's urgent they would have called by now too. No news is good news as they say. Best of luck with it all.

in reply to Bubbles8592

Your skin condition is autoimmune disorder have you tried cutting out gluten it may help x

I get the same very anxious it gets so bad I get too scared to ring up for test results I hope your tests come back ok stay strong x

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to

I've called but they won't tell me anything other than the C reaction protein test is showing high. But I don't know what that means and it's scaring me. See my doctors haven't even told me that psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Could that raise the level in my blood?

in reply to Bubbles8592

I’ve got no idea all I know is that with auto immune diseases the body attacks itself cutting out inflammatory foods like gluten could take inflammation down x

in reply to

I have had times being terrified in ringing for results as does everyone else!

in reply to

Makes your heart pound !!! X

in reply to

Yes I had that as well when I was terrified!

The receptionist was nice though when I said I was frightened!

in reply to

I can’t even watch hospital programs lol x

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to

I'm the same. Especially the real life ones 😩

Decgav66 profile image

I had elevated bilirubin levels in my blood and they called the next morning to tell me to come in. I agree with the “no news is good news.”

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to Decgav66

Thank you for your reply. I suffer badly with anxiety and I'm worried sick.

What was your diagnosis? I have been told that the c reactive protein is high. A Google of this shows anything from inflammation to cancer. Along with my other symptoms, I am scared.

in reply to Bubbles8592

I would give google a miss as lots if things on there are rubbish and can frighten you into thinking the worst!

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to

Natural reaction, I can't help it 😢

in reply to Decgav66

Elevated bilrubin can be Gilberts Syndrome which is nothing to worry about.

If it was really really urgent they would have had you in for an urgent appointment rather than a routine one.

I remember ringing for the results and I had been terrified and my heart raced when I rang them but everything was fine but everyone is frightened waiting for results as you start thinking the worst.

Bubbles8592 profile image
Bubbles8592 in reply to

Thank you for replying. Does that actually happen? Do they really call in if it's urgent? I'm worried that they're so consumed with the covid vaccine. I know this because I went for mine today at my surgery but was too frightened to go to reception because I've called a few times now.

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