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Dairy and breast cancer

DDIL1 profile image
17 Replies

I heard you should not have dairy if you have breast cancer. Is this true?

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DDIL1 profile image
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17 Replies
Discocat profile image

Hi, I have also heard this, unofficially though….this is not something my doctor has recommended and I do eat dairy. I think it’s because of all the hormones used in the industry, some of which remain in the dairy product. Buying organic would resolve this. This can also be an issue with soya products…which my doctor did tell me to avoid….as compounds within soy mimic estrogen and therefore can feed hormone dependent cancers.Best wishes Zoe x

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to Discocat

Yes I avoid soya now. X

DDIL1 profile image
DDIL1 in reply to Discocat

I saw this

DDIL1 profile image
DDIL1 in reply to Discocat

Part 2

Part 2
Discocat profile image
Discocat in reply to DDIL1

I’ve had conflicting medical advice previously about diet. Before my MBC diagnosis I had under active thyroid problems. My 1st endocrinologist was also a nutritionist and she told me to eliminate gluten, lactose and soya and to monitor iodine by limiting fish and seafood consumption. When I went for a 2nd opinion the next doctor said to eat normally, said I was borderline in blood test anyway and therefore not in need of medication or operation…and put my hormone imbalances down to being perimenopausal?! Now I try to eat healthy fresh foods, lots of raw veg and fruit like berries and I do not eat meat….mostly for ethical reasons but also as I’ve never been a big fan. I do have some seafood to keep some protein in my diet though…which is a contradiction of “ethics” I know. I try to get organic cheese and have it a few times a week. I don’t drink milk and use organic oat type instead. I avoid processed and high fat food or over sweet things…but I do indulge when I fancy something….like good chocolate or an occasional slice of cake, or slab of sour dough bread etc…

It’s hard to find a balance without yo-yoing between extremes. I want to eat healthily but I also don’t want to deny myself things that I like.

It’s also hard to find facts that you know to be unbiased. Often when you read between the lines, there’s an industrial / commercial motivation to the original research.

Most importantly I want to stay happy. I knew a client who was a very rich and successful hotel owner. He was incredibly strict with his eating habits and as he lived in one of his hotels he had given detailed orders to the chefs to cook him his meals exactly how he wanted them. He ate the same food every week. If I met him on a Monday lunch it would be a small plate of plain pasta with grated raw tomato….that’s the one that I remember….anyway each day was bland and restricted and then repeated over the next week again. Yes he was thin, and looked ok…but he was without doubt the most miserable person I’ve ever met or worked with. So I suppose this puts me off being too strict on myself.😀

Take care of yourself, and be happy.

Love Zoe xx

kearnan profile image

I have been using dairy since my diagnosis and I am now five years into treatment. I was never advised by my onco or palliative care doctor that dairy makes cancer worse.

Melpub profile image

The only thing you really can't eat--if you're on Ibrance--is grapefruit. Otherwise, eat what you like, within reason. My very experienced oncologist (in the field for over 20 years, specializing in women and breast cancer) said she's seen people on very specialized healthy diets (Vegan, vegetarian, macrobiotic, no sugar, no wine, no dairy) die and people who lived on junk food live. I eat my vegetables and fruits because I like them, but I like sugar in my café au lait in the morning, and the thought of making café au lait with oat milk or any other substitute makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust. Until very recently I had a glass or two of wine every night; I've cut that but ONLY because I'd like to lose the five kilos I've gained since treatment began. Enjoy your food--and the rest of life.

Hazelgreen profile image

I think if you google "breast cancer and dairy foods", you'll find that legitimate sites will tell you that there is no conclusive evidence linking breast cancer risk to specific foods.

Healthline does say the following about foods to limit/avoid:"As such, it's best to reduce your intake of the following foods and beverages — or avoid them altogether:

Alcohol. Alcohol use, especially heavy drinking, may significantly increase your risk of breast cancer ( 21 , 38 ).

Fast food. ...

Fried foods. ...

Processed meats. ...

Added sugar. ...

Refined carbs.

Jul 31, 2020

Breast Cancer Fighting Foods (and What to Avoid) - Healthline"

My thought has always been, however, that we MBC patients have enough restrictions on our lives already without adding more. If you enjoy specific foods or beverages, try to use them with moderation as opposed to not allowing yourself any indulgence.



wendle3007 profile image

I've never heard to avoid dairy and, in fact, switching to other milk, like soya, could be detrimental as they can create oestrogen which you definitely don't want!

Beryl71 profile image

Well I've just been told to up my dairy intake to improve calcium levels so I can continue with the zolondronic acid treatment. My GP used to warn me off dairy for cholesterol control. Now I just go with the flow! Try to be healthy for one area of health seems to counteract another. I'll take the middle path, a little bit of everything just make sure it's good quality.x

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to Beryl71

I agree

Kdiet profile image

I switched to Almond Milk in my tea. I steer clear of cheese for a variety of reasons. My Onc does not like dairy but is not adamant. Says drinking another mammal’s milk filled with hormones is not ideal.

atoth17 profile image

I will never give up cream in my morning cup of coffee. I have been stable since 2020. I’m not sure I believe the correlation.

BluHydrangea profile image

Other than politics —- food choices seems to have passionate “believers” on all sides. I have experimented with gluten free and vegetarian eating and have learned what helps my body feel better and what foods, for me, seem to increase inflammation. One of the things I try to do is maintain my active life— pain makes that difficult, and gluten and sugar seem to increase my inflammation a lot!

Just like our paths with treatment we have to find what works for us, and also contributes to our joy. Food is such a celebration activity intertwined with family and socializing.

I have lost some significant weight in the last year— and less weight to haul around seems to help

My energy and stamina in a significant way. I’ve had years of working too much and not caring for myself— now is the wake up call with MBC. May we all find food that brings us peace and energy and long, long lives!❤️


PJBinMI profile image

I read your note while eating breakfast yogurt. Milk is my "primary" beverage, 2%, has been my whole life and didn't stop when diagnosed with MBC 18 years ago. Oncs never said not to.

mariootsi profile image

You know, I have decided that I am going to try to eat a healthy diet including ice cream and cheese. Mbc has taken enough away from me. It's not going to take ice cream too!

hurricaneheather profile image

i have an amAzing well being team. one of the doctors, Kristi Funk, wrote a book, Breasts the owner's manual. she talks about dairy, "Dear Dairy...," on pages 85-91. she recommends avoiding dairy.

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