Tattoo: Hi, Can getting a tattoo make... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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confused1990 profile image
14 Replies


Can getting a tattoo make RLS worse? I read it can cause inflammation in the body? Any person experience?

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confused1990 profile image
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14 Replies

I've had several tattoos and apart from maybe wanting to move while it is happening (mind you it is that sore you will want to move anyway!).

The area tattoo will be inflamed and itchy (preparation H is great to keep the tattoo supple and kills the itching - I swear on it. When first told I thought the tattooist was taking the p1SS), but it will not inflame the whole system like say gluten will.

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There's a revelation, I never imagined a raffs with tatoos.

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Oh aye. I've got one or two :) Here is a picture of me last summer:

Ignore the piercings, they were only temporary!

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I daren't look!


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But I did.

This is not intended to be negative in any way, I have always been curious

what has motivated you to get tattooed?

I am "cerebretonic" by temperament. My consciousness is mainly in my head. I'm barely aware of my body unless something hurts, doesn't work or twitches.

Sometimes, I'm not even in my body.

I was considered flambuoyant when I was younger, but it was my clothes that were "decorative" not my skin. I wonder if that had a similar motivation.

Tatoos are very physical.

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I got my first tat to mark a huge turning point in my life. Others came along as a mark of my spiritual and personal development. I am well inked but have lots of room for more and can cover all mine with a T-shirt and trousers.

I would like a full back piece (thousands of pounds likely) but the price and pain are off putting at the minute (plus I don't know how my ME will hold up to the stress of it).

I don't think tats should be put on you unless you have had 1-2 years with the design in your mind. They don't come off and as such you need to make sure that its not a Bart Simpson or Dolphin on you as 20 years down the line you might not like the pretty design. Mine all say something very personal about me and I have designed most of mine myself so they are all unique.

Many think it is about peacocking but I don't show mine to strangers and they are very personal to me so wont be sharing them!

Hope that gives a little insight.

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That's great, thanks for sharing that (and the picture).

I can appreciate and identify with what you relate to about spiritual and personal development. It's good that you've found a way of (literally) marking this.

Although I feel I have developed myself, (I think) I have never seriously thought about marking that in any way. Perhaps I should have. I only have memories, some of which are a bit vague.

Being cerebretonic, I'm thinking of writing an autobiography. However, being cerebretonic, I'm only thinking about it!

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'Being cerebretonic, I'm thinking of writing an autobiography. However, being cerebretonic, I'm only thinking about it!'


I would love to post pictures of my tats but too much of an identifier. I won't even describe them but they are all relate to spirituality and the more esoteric side of life. They represent and are a reminder of things important to me and the impermanence of these things (despite the permanence of the ink).

My kids want tats, I have been talking them out of it as they are looking for fashion statements as opposed to something deeper. As we all know things go out of fashion and I'd hate them to have to try and cover or remove something.

Of course we all develop, daily. Every day, unless we work actively against it, changes us, maybe just a little but its there.

Maybe its the reinforcement of negative thoughts, maybe its the loosening of them but change comes whether we like it or not, and for those not working against change the result is development.

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An interesting point.

I’ve never thought of people “actively working” against change before. That might describe it sometimes but I think there’s other explanations

-Passive resistance to change

-Being unable to change, the change being too much or lacking ability

-Unconsciously repeating patterns acquired in childhood

-Simple inertia or apathy.


To “actively” take part in development requires self-awareness, which I’m told is only 1 in 6 people.

Being cerebretonic, I have started the autobiography several times, but have never got past page 1 because I can’t decide when the “I” that I am actually came into existence OR when the “me” that “my” life belongs to, came to be.


There seem to be several options

- At conception

- When becoming a fully formed embryo

- When first becoming conscious

- When taking a first independent breath

- When becoming self-aware, conceiving a “me” that “my” life belonged to.

You can see, I can’t just state “My life began on - - - “, that would be far too simple.

If I were “spiritual” in one sense I’d have to go for taking independent breath, when air first enters the body. This because in the west the roots of all the words for “spirit” and the words for “breathing” have the same root. Spirit, inspiration, expiration, respiration etc and from the east “prana” or “Chi”. It was Saturday!

But then, the thing that I think of, when I think of “me” depends on my memory and I can’t remember taking a first breath whether it was mine or not. I can remember discovering that I could crawl, was that me? It scraped my knees and my nappy got in the way!

It’s a linguistic block, I can’t get past.

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Oh Damn you Manerva, I haven't time to be thinking about this, but since you've twisted my arm... :)

'YOU'VE' never had an independent breath it has all been mediated by the gas in your blood/lungs, a reflex as in fear or an attempt for something else - swimming underwater or getting past the perfume counter!

I think for the book and the "I" there are 2 points:

1) Is there a need for you to be aware of the I to start writing? Move on a little in time and begin there. When you have that bit written you may have answered it.

2) For the sake of an autobiographical book I'd imagine it wouldn't be necessary for anyone other than the author to know - far too deep for most to care (unless you are/become really famous/infamous, then people would maybe want to know).

On the I in general - what I? Are you referring to the interface that has developed through the involvement and mediation of society, genes and the Ego/ID/Super Ego or the I that was, is and will forever be you, (although keep in mind the eternal you is always evolving so is never the same)?

Does your life belong to you? Most will have family and demands/responsibilities or have to work to pay bills. If this is YOUR life, why choose RLS?

RE: The crawling and not remembering. If you go out tonight, take a belly full of beer and pop a couple of Valium there is a fair chance you wont remember what happened yet you will still have existed in that time.

Right, I hope that has muddied the water and shown my inability to grasp what you were saying :)

I'll leave you with this:

Does someone in a deep and unresponsive coma exist?

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You win, my cerebretonic water is muddied.

I did a combined degree in psychoiogy and philosophy.

I spent half of my time wondering if my ego cogito ergo summed or not and the rest of the time trying not to get depressed about it.

To start -

"when I came into existence in the student union bar at the age of 22, life began - - -"

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I never formally studied philosophy but have read a few books and watched a few videos and taught myself a little.

I think as far as I can tell I know enough to know what I think I know I don't, not really :)

May be we are real , maybe we are not. This may be a computer program we live in and we are nothing more tan 0's and 1's. With the pain and the misery in the world I prefer to think of us as a computer program rather than a vitally flawed ape that will destroy itself in the pursuit of manufactured desires and freedoms!

Rangers9 profile image

I got a new Tatt a couple of years ago it never had any adverse effects on me

gaula75 profile image

I have a tattoo on my ankle, and have had no problems at all. This is the first I've heard about tattoos and adverse affects on restless legs.

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