How tired is too tired? : I'm 35 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...

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How tired is too tired?

Kitcat12 profile image
30 Replies

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and just beyond exhausted! I sleep throughout the day for probably an hour and a half at a time, this happens maybe 2/3 times a day and I still feel so so tired. Is this normal?

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Kitcat12 profile image
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30 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

Yep! In my experience it was anyway xx

Foodie23 profile image

Same thing happened to me! Enjoy the naps while you can. I hope you have a smooth, empowering labor/delivery! XX

Drives profile image

Hey lovely. I have been pretty tired these last few weeks and napping a lot too. Nearly fell asleep in the toilets at work the other day 🙊🤣

If you are worried about it, ask you midwife to check your bloods at your next appointment just to rule our anything like iron deficiency 😘 x x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Drives

I had my iron levels checked and was prescribed iron tablets but I'm not very good at taking them regularly because they make me feel incredibly nauseous. Maybe I just need to suck it up and take them every day! Not long to go now x

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to Kitcat12

I would definitely try and take them as prescribed lovely. I know they aren't nice - I was anaemic in my teens. If you're really struggling with them speak to your doc about changing the prescription, they might have another med which you can tolerate better.

Really not very long for us at all 😊 getting very excited!! x x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Drives

I know you're right and I should be taking them! I'll have to ask the midwife if she can change the meds so I don't struggle with them so much. I'm so excited too! Crazy to think they could be here any day now x

Kiedy84 profile image
Kiedy84 in reply to Kitcat12

Hey hun, ask if you can get iron drip instead. I was taking tables for 6 weeks and they are very slow in terms of effectiveness and have nasty side effects and in the end I was offered a one off drip and omg what a difference!

Take it easy😘😘

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Kiedy84

Thanks lovely, that's a great tip! I will be sure to ask the midwife about that. We're so close now, on the final stretch. So looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures and hearing birth stories 😳x

Kiedy84 profile image
Kiedy84 in reply to Kitcat12

The one I was given is called MonoFer iron isomaltoside 1000 it takes max 30 minutes and you will feel the results within a week and you can stop the pills straight away.

The other thing you could do is take higher dose of vit D I take it every two days on top of my pregnacare pill.

I am so excited too to hear the updates.

I am aiming for a natural birth been practicing hyphobirthing and hopefully we will be able to use the birthing centre 🤞just need one more week to hit 37 and we are good to go😅

Kiedy84 profile image
Kiedy84 in reply to Drives

Yey I can't wait to hear the news🥰 I am 36 weeks today and will be crossing my legs for another week and after that I think I am ready 😅

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to Kiedy84

So exciting!! Still can't believe we have got this far!!

Starting to feel very pregnant now 🤣 just a few more weeks to go.

Hope you're feeling ok x x x

Kiedy84 profile image
Kiedy84 in reply to Drives

Thank you my dear, yes overall not too bad, I am still complaining but I think that's normal🙈 IVF makes the pregnancy so much longer, all my friends and family were with us from the beginning so it feels longer to them as well. Do you feel like this too? 😘

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Kiedy84

I definitely do!! Feels like I've been pregnant forever. And I'm definitely complaining a lot as well. Which always makes me feel ungrateful after everything we went through to get here, but pregnancy is bloody hard.

Kiedy84 profile image
Kiedy84 in reply to Kitcat12

It is! And I think this topic is also a tabu because all my friends seemed to have perfect and amazing pregnancies and never complained about anything but I think this was just for show or maybe it's a cultural difference🤔

I find some baby's kicks actually do hurt and not all movements are pleasant. When I first started feeling him I freaked out instead of feeling amazing and then I got upset that something was wrong with me for not loving the movements😣

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Kiedy84

I have to agree on this one, especially now baby is so big! Some of the movements are certainly painful. It's the discomfort and aches and pains that I find hardest. I'm so grateful to be pregnant and I already love my baby so much but I'm over it now, ready to have him here!

Kiedy84 profile image
Kiedy84 in reply to Kitcat12

I feel the same, love for him but not necessarily loving being pregnant🙈

Only few weeks to go, we got this💪💪

Let me know how you get on with the iron drip🤞😘

Drives profile image
Drives in reply to Kiedy84

I know the feeling lovely.

Being pregnant is actually really hard and no one ever told me about all the weird (and not so pleasant) side effects 🙊 Also feel like I've been pregnant forever...although the last 8 wks have gone really quick x x

Flounder84 profile image

I’m 38 weeks and felt quite tired but not as much as the first trimester I think everyone must be so different! Are you finishing work soon? I felt a lot less tired after finishing work!! I’m sure you will have had your bloods checked too so they would have checked your iron levels - think my bloods were done again around 28/ 29 weeks? Xx

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Flounder84

Oh I'm so much more tired than I was in the first trimester! I have one more day of work on 6th jan and then I'm done so I'm really looking forward to being done with that. You must be so excited, any day now! x

FirstTimerICSI profile image

Hey love, yep, 33 weeks now and very tired. Not as bad as it was in the first trimester though. My bloods show Im iron deficient and have been prescribed those iron tables. I don’t think peeing 3-5 times a night and waking multiple times with heart burn helps! And sadly, doubt we’ll get much more sleep once baby arrives 🤣.

Other than the tiredness I hope you’re doing well! xx

Arya10 profile image

I’m the same, I’m 38+4 and been like this since about 32 weeks. I’ve got borderline anaemia and do take the tablets but to be honest don’t think it makes a difference to tiredness. Our bodies are just working super hard! I find I don’t sleep as long as I used to at night but need the regular naps throughout the day. Also noticed extra tired days coincide with baby growth spurts - maybe this happens to you too? Good luck and keep napping as you need them xx

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Arya10

Oh I certainly wouldn't cope without my naps! I'm like you, don't sleep as well at night. I had a scan a few days ago and weight was estimated at 5lb14 so he's definitely had a good growth spurt, maybe there's something in that theory! Good luck to you for delivery x

Emmaxxx profile image

Hi I am 21 weeks pregnant and I struggle to sleep at night but I just can’t get up in the morning. The past few weeks have been silly not waking until mid day!! It is driving me crazy!! X

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Emmaxxx

That sounds very familiar!! Glad to know I'm not alone x

Lyn84 profile image

Since 31 weeks felt exhausted i had my bloods checked cos was convinced it was my iron levels cos tiredness was so severe and sudden but they were fine. I have to constantly have a late morning nap and late afternoon nap doesn't help that barely sleeping at night cos of all the discomfort but as we speak i am in hospital having steroids ready to induce in next couple of weeks due to gestational diabetes effecting her too much so she will be here quicker than i thought but I'm defo ready for pregnancy to be done now and her to here

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Lyn84

Oh bless you, how stressful! But so exciting that she'll be here soon. All the best for delivery lovely x

Lyn84 profile image
Lyn84 in reply to Kitcat12

Thank you all the best with your too 😁

Annh17 profile image

Yep same with me. I worked up till 37 weeks and I was really struggling to stay awake at work. When I started my maternity, i was making the most of those afternoon sleeps x

Sfarre profile image

Hello! Lovely to see you here and so close to baby time!!! :-) I would say that yeah, I believe a lot of preggo ladies are very tired by this stage in the pregnancy. Could be your body asking you to put your feet up and take it easy. BUT... Without wanting to worry you, it could potentially be something that needs checking. Could I ask when your last check up was? I'm asking as I also felt really tired and quite rough late in pregnancy and then I ended up being diagnosed with late occurring pre eclampsia. So hopefully not(!) but if you haven't had a BP check in a while I would highly recommend going for one. If your midwife can't fit you in then your pharmacy will be able to check it for you.

Best of luck for your final weeks! So exciting.

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to Sfarre

Thanks lovely, I had a check up last week, I'm being monitored quite closely for possible cholestasis so they're quite good at keeping an eye on me! I have another check up on Tuesday so I'll be sure to ask them to check my BP. Hope you're keeping well x

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