Swiss doctor?: Marc Possover any one... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...

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Swiss doctor?

r5cervelo12 profile image
31 Replies

Marc Possover any one ever seen this doc for pelvic issues.

He has new procedures, I reseraching.

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r5cervelo12 profile image
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31 Replies
Pepper1977 profile image

Please avoid. He severally damaged a woman who is on the closed Facebook group called pudendal neuralgia hope

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Pepper1977

Thank you so much for warning me..I will

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to Pepper1977

right... many pudendal doctors will half kill you and leave u to die after spending $25000 on surgery... But i did meet with 2 pudendal docs in Southern France and had failed surgery with one... cost a lot less than $25000 dollars though...

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

How......can this poor "excuse" for a surgeon" live with himself??

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

RIght.. Ask Dr Filler that in his Santa Monica practice if u can afford the pile of gold he wants for one minute of his time

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

I would not go see him if he paid..ME you know. Now moving on Dr.Oskar Aszmann I believe is work class, there is 1 guy and 1 lady going to have surgey with him next month so I we need to pray for them. On PN Facebook.

I found that he has studied on Cadavers for 7 years ligaments-tendons-nerves, he also does bionic reconstruction!

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

Dr Antolak in Minnesota is very very nice... maybe was now since he was elderly... problably stopped practice by now or worse.. He did the Pudendal nerve latency test that showed my nerve was almost completely choked off and barely alive... I would go if all the other pudendal docs hadnt cost me all of my 50000 dollar life savings i had once upon atime

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

A guy I know is getting some kind of saiatica release for Dr.Oskar costs 12000 Euros.

Germany charged me 61000 to do 3 levels of spine surgery so thats with every thing 15000 in titanium discs.. it fixed my back by not fussing the bones...but I think i have pN I need more tests..

mikette profile image

Jei-Carter may I ask if you know any people who was damaged by the swiss butcher?

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to mikette

Well just had surgery in france not with the swiss doc... However both the docs i did go to france for were many times nicer than most american doctors... here it is all about money mostly... Id say american vs european drs is a numbers game... Drs here go into business for the money not to help people usually.. They didnt take TWO years just to see like it took when i waited to get surgery with Hibner in Arizona.. he was nice... but still kicked me to the curb to die... They want failed surgeries to just disappear and die quickly so they dont mess up their practice... Successful patients live to Praise their doc... Failed Pudendal patient's voices are silenced by death and this keeps even accounting on doctors hard to keep track of.

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

Are you ok?? I hope he Dr Hibner did not harm you..

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

oh NO the surgery site became infected and built up preasure till the surgery scar exploded and i nearly bled to death that time... friend just happened to be coming over and found me in a pool of blood

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

My god I hope you get help.. this was done in france?

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

Hibner was in Arizona.. failed.. I would have look up my french docs name but that failed also... Filler failed... Lots of fails...

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to Jei-Carter

Pudendal surgery is MEDIEVAL... like cancer in the 40s or 50s... we should be treated like MS patients for example but we are just treated like pain criminals wanting drugs... I hate Meds... i hate em.. want one surgery L4 dorsal nerve root neurectomy but the medical system is criminal as hell how it treats us..

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

You are trying to get surgery..right?

I am getting a 3T MRI and sending it to Dr. Oskar Aszmann in Austria I heard very good things about him.. but see if you know about him...

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

dont know him.. i would love to get more surgery but i spent my lifesaving going through 6 major surgeries and couple hundred procedures... doc refuse to do the one surgery that could cure my specific pudendal entrapment... l4 right side dorsal nerve root neurectomy...

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

bursting surgery scar was HIBNER arizona

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

Dr. Hibner in Arizona recommended, Prof. Dr. Oskar C. Aszmann to a man I know.. that tells you something about know

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

Oh is Aszmann another cut em and if the surgery doesnt work then they dont want anything to do with them ever again????

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

Dr Aazmnnn says he don't cut them...

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

So he is in austria.... Vienna it looks... Well if i could start over with the 50000 i had to go on this Med Hell Odyssey i would of gone to Europe Immediately... I went undiagnosed for almost 3 years... many horrible things done to me by docs then... Had to diagnose myself online like many pudendal patients... The biggest mistake i made was wasting my time getting pudendal surgeries... Should of just left america and traveled the world till i found a group that would do a Nerve Root Neurectomy... which i could of got here if i this had happened to me in the 90s... Instead american pudendal docs took all my money...

r5cervelo12 profile image
r5cervelo12 in reply to Jei-Carter

sorry to here that about the US doctors...they suck in most ceases.. I when to Germany and they fixed my spine unlike here in the US they over looked things. I didn't know I had PN i thought a bad disk would fix my issues. But moving on and yes 90% of treatment is the correct diagnoses?

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to r5cervelo12

that was my Arizona surgery.. dr hibner

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to Jei-Carter

I should be gone but for sheer will power not to break my word to stay alive to my ex... Just 2 days ago i had a big DMT trip... The White light chemical... I am suffering so much that the brain says "Well this guy is dying so release the DMT" Only way i came out of it was when i took a little of my dwindling medicine to dull the pain which lets the brain realize that " Well guess he feels better so I'll turn the dmt" Dying is a very interesting experience... I got a small dose of dmt so i was like well i am about to die i dont know quite how but my brain says i am... So i started cleaning the hell out of my place to leave everything tidy... I was like well I KNOW i am about to meet my girlfriend that passed in a car accident in Vietnam and she likes everything nice and neat so made everything spick and span lol...

Manwpelvicpain profile image
Manwpelvicpain in reply to Jei-Carter

I agree. It is within our failed medical system that we truly see the fate of our society and how it treats those who suffer. We, chronic pain sufferers, must endure a lifetime of hell because of greed, arrogance, and chosen ignorance born out of that arrogance.

Jei-Carter profile image
Jei-Carter in reply to mikette

nope.. Filler butchered me... Hibner seemed nice but left me dying in a pool of blood after his surgery majorly infected me and backfired...ALL pudendal surgery is butchery... butchery with a 10 15 at best chance of helping AT ALL.... brain surgery is easier apparently.... I found my Cure to my condition... But i cant get a doctor to cut the L4 Nerve root that controls the muscles that cause my entrapment.. i have begged and begged,.... The horrible this is that if i this had happened in the 90s i could of gotten a neurectomy but now Docs would rather let u die than do this simple procedure... Even when one of us finds a cure we are still forced to die cause of the Medical system we have now... very very sad... nothing less than criminal... In the future we will be seen as Victims of a Medieval knowledge of our condition... we should be treated like sufferers of MS.... we will be but not this decade...

GUMG profile image

I feel I have to weigh in at this late date as a strong supporter of Dr Possover. I found him to be kind and very considerate. He did not rush as he explained what he found and how I would feel following surgery. He came to see me each day in the hospital, Saturday and Sunday as well.

I went to see Dr Possover at my doctors recommendation. Dr Possover did not immediately recommend surgery but tried non surgical option first.

I have had 13 surgeries with several doctors, to remove mesh and bladder sling and repair damage. My doctors could not understand the continued pelvic pain and inability to sit, stand or walk but for small periods of time.

I have just returned home from surgery where he found compressed pudendal nerves, obturator nerve and sacral plexus.

If any of you read anything about PNE or any nerve related damage you also know it could take months to years to be free from the pain especially following a surgical intervention and find your new sense of normalcy?

Dr Possover is considered a world reknowned expert in his field. Find out for yourself.

Be-Ch profile image
Be-Ch in reply to GUMG

Agree with you. I recently have had a nerve decompression surgery with Prof dr Possover, until now I only have good experience . Pain level much lower, good follow up and pain management for the months to come as it takes time to recover from nerve decompression. Prof Possover helped me a lot. I can only recommend him.

GUMG profile image
GUMG in reply to Be-Ch

I am very glad for you. It will take us time to fully heal but I am so glad I found Dr Possover. I wish others in this predicament could find their way to see him.

Good luck to you as you go through recovery.

GUMG profile image

Dr Possover is an amazing doctor.

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