How does CP-related pain affect your ... - Chronic Pancreati...

Chronic Pancreatitis Support

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How does CP-related pain affect your relationships, or those of the person your care for? (Select all that apply)

MaddieHU profile imageMaddieHUHealthUnlocked20 Voters

Please select all that apply:

3 Replies
JMstrong profile image

CP brings all sorts of emotions and challenges to the table, both positive and negative. However, all we can do is make the most of it and gently educate others when they don’t understand. This diagnosis, though I would never choose to have it, has allowed myself and others to become more empathetic towards chronic illness and diseases. For that, I am forever grateful.

J3023225350 profile image

I found that some of my friends support & respect my illness. Some not so much!

andyduudz profile image

also may i had, it effects me , and what i can eat, no spicey, things and anything with pepper in the foods, it triggers it off , my diet is like miss a day or two, till my stomach and back pain settles down then as soon as eat anything, boom starts with boating stomach , now its getting bad i cannot walk far, even to local store, i have to sit down ,there and back, it also decided to get worse and more painful ,as just before the pandemic, , but hey whats the point, i know what the docter will do, send me to hospital for a scan or and a 4 week stay again, no thanks