Colonoscopy done and dusted - The Roy Castle Lu...

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Colonoscopy done and dusted

2 Replies

Update on my husband.He had a colonoscopy a couple of days ago.The report says they removed 2 large polyps and 4small ones.No sign of cancer showing,but how will they know until they examine them in the lab.Being very optimistic hopefully xx

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RoyCastleHelplinePartnerAsk the NurseRoy Castle

Dear Royfrank01

It is encouraging that there were no obvious signs of cancer, and although most polyps are benign they are best removed to prevent them developing into cancer.

You are right in that to have a confirmed diagnosis, it is always best to wait on pathology, which if nothing else, hopefully will give you both peace of mind.

You may wish to email your query to the bowel specialist nurse at Bowel Cancer UK and although there is no diagnosis of bowel cancer, they support and advise those going through any investigations:

Their website is:

Hope the results come back clear. The waiting is always the hardest part with any results. If you would like to discuss anything you can either email ask the nurse at or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200.

All the best

The Roy Castle Support Team

in reply to RoyCastleHelpline

Thank you so much for your support xx