Will you be attending the very first F... - Lung Cancer Support

Lung Cancer Support

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Will you be attending the very first Free to Breathe HealthUnlocked Ask Me Anything today?

FtB_Travis profile imageFtB_Travis16 Voters

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6 Replies
scifiknitter profile image

Looking forward to this!

FtB_Peggy profile image

I am very excited about this opportunity! Unfortunately, I can only tune in until 12:30 - have another commitment...sad face.

FtB_Travis profile image
FtB_Travis in reply to FtB_Peggy

No problem! Glad you will be around for a part of it =)

Ricefam profile image

I feel that a diet plays a big role in fighting cancer, but my doctor says there is no scientific proof. Do you agree?

I feel that spiritual, mental, stress, diet, environmental are all important when fighting cancer

As a stage IV NSCCA lung cancer survivor (just celebrated my 1 year anniversary of no evidence of disease) God is good.

Jenniferroseolson profile image
Jenniferroseolson in reply to Ricefam

A good question...I would love to hear other opinions on this

I mixed up the time zones(chemo brain) and have a noon central time appointment I'm hoping to attend late