First week nerves: I been working through... - Healthy Eating

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First week nerves

4 Replies

I been working through weight loss issues and reading about healthy eating for a while. I am starting on the first week of twelve week plan tomorrow. Nervous as I've never been long term successful before but am committed to making life long changes. Any insights on first week positives to look forward to and pitfalls to be aware of or avoid? 

4 Replies
Venusflytrap profile image

Hi @Snowhite90, 

How is your first day going so far?  Just think of your previous "failures" as practice.  After all we all fail till the day we succeed.  The successful ones in life are the ones who learn from "failures" and try again.  Have you ever added up all the weight you lost over the years and worked out what weight you would have been now, if you hadn't lost any and had just gained it all?  So well done for losing before and for losing now.  Best things about the first week was taking my time eating my meals and realising how nice my new meals were.  I was a real panicker about minor details.  I remember weighing all my eggs to see what they really were!  There is no point in doing this, if you get it 80% right, that will usually be good enough.  The very best thing I can suggest is that you write down what you have eaten, and that you weigh and measure food and drinks.  Then if you do make any mistakes, you can look back, work out what they were and correct them.  And on the plus side, you can revisit any really nice meals and any really successful weeks and switch back to them when you are struggling.  The other thing is use these forums.  I have avoided many an unplanned snack by typing away!  And you always learn something from everyone who posts.  Let us know how you get on both with the new menus and at the scales.


in reply to Venusflytrap

Thanks so much for this. The 80% idea was so helpful as I know I could get easily caught up in counting every single calorie. Trying to work on a 3 day shopping list as we speak. Thanks again. It means a lot. 

DartmoorDumpling profile image

Planning ahead will make life easier; you will buy the right foods and have ready-made low fat and low sugar snacks in the fridge to divert you from the problem foods.  Buy sugar-free jellies and weight-watchers fromage frais, or bake apples for desserts.  Remove unnecessary temptation - freeze unwanted cake, buy childrens snacks that you don't like, lock up husband/partner's treats on a very high shelf!  Have lots of fruit teas, low-cal hot chocolate and soup-in-a-mug for hungry moments.  Keep full up with low calorie drinks.  Sometimes you have to see it as a battle-zone but you are only battling with yourself - strategic planning wins the day, and everyday is a new day so never look backwards!

in reply to DartmoorDumpling

Very helpful!!

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