There are so many caring people here - Heal My PTSD

Heal My PTSD

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There are so many caring people here

6 Replies


An embarrassment to my fAmiky because I can hear or feel the suffering of others

This community helps a great deal

So many people reach out and help


So impressive

6 Replies
Nathalie99 profile image

Thank you very much, Brig, for your kind words.

Caring for others is a huge positive.

Families can be cruel. Mine was. There was no real reason for the abuse, it was because they had issues (alcohol etc).

We are collectively sharing the good and the bad, trying to continue seeing hope even when it's really difficult.

Take care...

in reply to Nathalie99

I know ur not looking for words but I’ve had a lifetime of crows in men women doctors who should have known better like u fAmiky. We are beat down by doctors for standing up

Against abuse wrongly

I am defiant of abused and bad families and since so many people thk all families are wonderful and

I damn wel

Stand shoulder to shoulder with abused peole who also havd toxic families and I know they err abused and right to stay away and be defiant of abuse

A positive defiance

They help

Me because we know Tks true

Whether others including doctors and counslirs. Where’re they know it or sgrrr. I couldn’t care less m

Good doctors idiot doctors

in reply to

The survivors here help

Balance the idiots oh there no such thing as bD people just misunderstood

I grew upm with all kinds of preditors and being sent to them

And non protective family

I know there arec preditors

Tk u for words very helpful

I used to do icu and etc anesthesia

My family tells me what vet med is and that I was a coward to divorce my abusive wife

Hardly know what to say cretics and experts no time in the trenches no experience.

Just know it all condescending what Evers blows yur mind

Tk u for letting me vent

U dolphin faux art many others so impress me with ur caring Prob knowxwhat getting screwed by the system

And bD dictors is all about my guess. Someday I’ll return the favor

Shy_Guy profile image

I find it very helpful to know that I am not alone.

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Thanks, yep a lot of Suffering going on here especially with All the Craizness going on in the World. It seems Never Ending? I bought a door alarm. It’s great that we can be here for each other, family and friends aren’t 🙏

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