i need a hobby but what? struggle to care about an... - Headway


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i need a hobby but what? struggle to care about anything these days

nick_01 profile image
16 Replies
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nick_01 profile image
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16 Replies

Hi Nick_01,

Have you tried Tai-Chi. It can be done seated and standing. The benefits have been mirrored with the those received in vestibular rehabilitation. All ages do Tai-Chi. The thing is to try different tutors or maybe hear to one recommended. There may be a class supported by a brain injury group or a wellbeing support group in the community. Maybe Google 'Tai chi' and the area you live. Some martial art centres can have Tai Chi. It is a very slow mobile exercise.

Kind regards, Gina.

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to

hi gina, does can tai chi be done by those with restricted mobility?

Hi Bikerlifestyle,

It can be done in a wheelchair with a tutor with this understanding. Or maybe approach a Tai Chi club/tutor about this.

A perfect example and info is here, youtube.com/watch?v=JPpa0Hb...

I want to return to Tai-Chi again. It improved my peripheral vision after just the first lessons. At present I'm doing art to help cognitive progress.

Thanks, Gina.

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to

thanks for that, i may look at giving that a go

bikerlifestyle profile image

its a tough question, as interests are personal.

but maybe photography? i take photos of bikes and drunk people lol i am no good at taking pics of trees and stuff

movie clubs maybe,

i think once you find an interest that grabs you, the social aspect will follow

Hello Nick, Hobbies all depend on what you like - I follow amateur radio, photography and I write for EyeSpyMag.

With the radio I follow Number Stations - which communicate with Spies overseas.

BTW 'Bikerlifestyle' if you have any of me drunk please destroy!!!!!

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to

no, it may come in handy for blackmail lol :)

in reply to bikerlifestyle

Oh dear!!! :)

Molly15 profile image

Hi Nick. My husband is in the same boat really. He has little movement in his left arm and hand which is very limiting. But at the same time, he just has no interest in anything except golf, which obviously is no possible at the moment. We have tried all sorts of suggestions, but nothing seems to make him want to try anything new. When he is at home, the TV is his main interest, and although I try to get him to turn it off and have "quiet times" as suggested by the psychologist, it doesnt last for long, and he watches anything and everything. I have to remind him to turn it off whenever a visitor comes, or it would be on in the background. He does sleep a lot too and is always exhausted. But his SAH only happened in October, so I suppose it is early days. The Tai-Chi certainly sounds like a good idea, I will put it to him, but think I know what the answer will be!! Good luck

artangel profile image

Hi nick i am "hooked" on art-journaling there are zillions of youtube demos must warn you though they are all a bit girly. One of my favourite books is The Journal Junkies Workshop and is dedicated and inspired by the work of Dan Elden.

Best Wishes

iforget profile image
iforget in reply to artangel

I have a male friend who is into art journalling and it does not have to be at all girly...can be messy though..but it is great fun.

Danslatete profile image

I tried art, it cant be wrong, so its good in that respect. I start with 'STHART' or somesuch name. thru headway, its for stroke/heart patients. I did some art at headway then went to some art workshops at a print studio with the same people. I found them vey menatally taxing but very satisfying. I went from that to art classes at the local college, my support worker came with me for a short time till i felt able to manage it. Sometimes it was hard especially doing negative images, i could not work back to front at all. I was not an arty person prior to my injury so i was supprised i got on with it. I enjoyed the peaceful relaxed atmosphere in the classes aswell as the limited social time at tea break. I struggled with that at times but knowing it was only ten minutes was good and i could alwys just go stand out side.

I also tried doing the ECDL which is a driving license for computers. A big mistake because it gave me very bad headaches and i got very frustrated and angry when i just could not do things and kept getting them wrong.

Tai chi is good, i do yoga which can also be adapted. I did stuff in a swimming pool too because it helps with supporting you when you excersice and you dont get hurt if you fall over, which i did often!! It did make me very tired afterwards so i was probably working harder than i thought.

I also felt lost with no direction, something others can find impossible to understand. I cannot 'see' future aims, there is simply the here and now. If its on the planner i do it!

rubikscube profile image

I'm in a been there done that, kinda of a rut at the moment and can relate to all of the posts on here today - but in this past week, I have taken up an old hobby and that is plain old writing - just getting into my own world, I certainly have a story to tell, and its also a good therapy - I am using Quentin Taranteno as my inspiration, and after watching a few of his interviews on how he has written his work, he has really inspired me! All he has ever done is watched endless movies and learnt, then written, endless stories, not in any particular order, you just write, and believe me the hours just fly by! and between watching movies and writing your own stories and growing your own characters, your days and life becomes much more colourful and inspirational - well, this is working for me at the moment and when i'm not at home writing, I am thinking about my characters and story-line and people watching in a whole new perspective. I guess, what its doing for me is taking me out of my self a little bit, which is good :)

Good Luck

I find going to the gym and sauna lifts my mood lots. Maybe it will help. On my unmotivated days I force myself without thinking changing my mind. But still do sometimes change my mind.

pollyanne profile image

My other half went back to adult literacy and maths at a local college.( he did it as he had forgotten everything after the accident plus now has aphasia) but now he finds it quite interesting and he meets new people there (there are a few who were in the same situation as himself).He enjoys the life away from the house where he can be himself and has to make his own friends plus it helps with the aphasia.. We were in Asda one day and a gorgeous blonde started speaking to him, on asking who she was he told me she was on his english course!!!!could that be the attraction?

nick_01 profile image

Lol prob was the reason he kept going back thats what i need a attractive young lady also lol x

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