Impending Doom: - Headway


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Impending Doom

BaronC profile image
15 Replies

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BaronC profile image
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15 Replies
Kirk5w7 profile image

Hi Andy,

No I dont get this but i had an episode just like you describe when i was last in hospital earlier this year.

It was dreadful and I’ll never forget it, i had to contact all my close family members because i was convinced i would not be getting out alive. My time was up, or so i thought.

What i put it down to was the fact that they had just stopped my pregabalin, not prescribed it for me. So i was going cold turkey on it.

When they resumed it i was fine. But 2 days without it was sending me suicidal too.

Ii sympathise wholeheartedly if you get it regularly, i would suspect it is an imbalance i your brain’s chemistry that maybe needs investigating, you shouldnt have to deal eith it so regularly.

Take care my friend, i know you know it hose feelings pass but don’t continue to suffer in silence.

Janet xx

pinkvision profile image

Hi this sounds like a panic attack, especially as you describe a rapid heart rate and fear. Do you also get gastric problems before or during these events, ie acid stomach and hiatus hernia etc. I get a very similar response through exposure to LED lights. I have learned to relax the mind via a meditative system which works for the feeling of panic / fear, however the physical feelings, heart rate etc continue.

If you accept the fact that you are going to die in these moments, at the time they are happening some of the symptoms ie fear, may pass.

It's a horrible feeling but if you can psychologically alter the way you think about it then you can manage it better.

Hope this does not sound condescending, good luck, there's always a way to solve these issues.

paxo05 profile image

Hi Baron.

I agree with Pink vision. It does sound like panic attack symptoms. You don't have to go running for safety for it to be panic. The feeling of not being right and raised pulse seems to fit.

You say you haven't suffered from depression yet the feeling of something being wrong or not connecting with your surroundings can be a sign of early depression. Once again you don't have to feel depressed to have depression. An early sign for me although life may be great is feeling disconnected or (doomed).

Recognising the these feelings, no matter what the condition is , Is the main step to dealing or living with them.

Next is finding out what you can do to bring yourself out of these feelings. Yep as easy as that.....NOT.

It may be being by yourself or surrounding yourself with friends. Finding something that lifts your mood, a hobby or mood or even a good walk.( yep another excuse for a walk around your beautiful home town maybe).

It may be a case of keeping a diary of when these feelings happen and what works OR DOESN'T to lift them.

Happy hunting and keep on blogging.


cat3 profile image

Panic attacks ……...I'll put money it. The word 'suddenly' says it all, together with the feeling of doom, fast heart-rate etc.

My legs used to turn to jelly and I'd be fighting for breath as the world became a weird and terrifying place. The attacks lost me my brilliant job in the 90s and only with a change of antidepressant did I regain some control and trust in my ability to get out & about again.

But the main cause of panic attacks is poor breathing. Hyperventilating, especially heavy sighing where oxygen is released quickly, can trigger an attack. Sounds too simple ? I thought so too 'til I was hospitalised and taught how to overcome them with basic breathing.

The oxygen we inhale needs to be converted into carbon dioxide for a healthy balance within the brain and throughout the system.

If we breathe shallowly or expel oxygen too quickly, the CO2 needed to balance the acid (Ph) levels in the brain isn't produced and our brain can go into panic mode.

I learned to INhale to the max (abdomen rising) and slowly exhale, repeating that several times to slow everything down and kill the 'Doom' feeling. I often threw a coat on late at night and walked (briskly) around the block to get my breathing corrected (SO hard at first when you feel like you're dying). But it works. And the more you realise the cause, the less you worry and hyperventilate ………. 'til the circle is finally broken and you've got the knack.

Don't take my word for it Kiddo......try it. E. xx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

It's worth replying to you simply because you always refer to me as 'kiddo' and it makes me smile :)

It's difficult to explain, but the feelings of panic come after the 'event' but the entire episode will only last seconds. They don't really feel like panic attacks to me. It's pretty much always when I'm lying in bed, minutes from sleep, Mrs N next to me, comfortable as can be. And then, out of nowhere, comes the 'blip'. Then, a minute or so later, it will have passed.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

Panic attacks mostly happened to me at moments of complete calm. I was admitted a couple of times in the early days after being floored by them for hours and truly thought I was conking out. And the doctors always asked the same question......"Are you stressed ?" to which I replied "I wasn't then, but I am now !"

They manifest differently in each person and can last seconds or hours. But the 'Doom' sensation comes from the faulty mix of brain chemicals and the panic is caused by the inexplicable feeling of doom.

Just take note of your breathing when you're snuggled up in bed ……...I'll bet it's pretty shallow. 😌 Every night I do the deep breaths (4 times at least) hold it and exhale v-e-r-y slowly so I get that slight rush to the brain (& realise how underused my lung capacity is) and it keeps the doom at bay.

All very holistic I know, but instant results !! See ya Kiddo... x

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

My breathing in bed is ALWAYS very calm, no reason to get excited 😀

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

Calm is often shallow . . . . . . .shallow inhibits CO2 production.🥺

OK, I tried 😏 Love to all......xx

AndrewT profile image

Dear BaronC,

'Is It Just Me', you ask several times....NO it's NOT, however you seem to be Feeling this A LOT. Do I ever feel this, well yes Sometimes- we ALL do. Can I Offer you an Alternative view though....

I don't know 'How' you received your Brain Injury, nor do I know which Area(s) were Damaged. However I DON'T need to....irrespective of what 'Happened' to you, you ARE ALIVE! Yes ALIVE, Probably NOT the same as you were- Mentally and possibly Physically- but STILL 'Here'. So, the next time, you feel 'Panicked'- which IS what it is- Consciously 'Think more Positively'. Think of your Family, Friends, The Pub/ Club,, Football, Darts.....that 'Special Thing'- only YOU know about.

If might, very well, be worth- at least Mentioning- this to you Doctors/ Consultants Baron. This COULD be a Drug 'Side Effect', especially since you Get this So Often- well it's worth Checking surely.

I leave you with My, indeed ALL our, Prayers Baron. We all hope that you feel Better soon.


Hi Andy you are the first person I've come across that explained exactly what happened to me for several months, and I feel for you hugs, it was an awful time.

I wouldn't say it was panic attacks as others have suggested, but a real foreboding feeling. ☹️

The good news is it did pass. 😊

I wrote a poem about it, I'll send it to you if I haven't lost your email address. Xx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to

Yep, spot on! I don't feel like it's a panic attack, but as you say, foreboding is probably a better description. It passes in seconds, however the feelings wipe me out afterwards. That's why I suggest in the video that it may be epilepsy related rather than brain injury, per se.

in reply to BaronC

Hi obviously everyone's different but I've not had any seizures etc. I sent you that poem but to an email address you gave me a couple of years ago. X

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to

Yep, I got it! It's really rather good!

in reply to BaronC

Cheers m' dear 😄

WinB profile image

Baron I have Epilepsy and every time I have a fits/seizure... I m so scared, had them since 14 and the fear wells up in me. Awful to be scared but I am an old dear now, but cannot get over the fear when I feel one coming. When younger I had panic attacks couldn't swallow, mouth would go dry ..Only thing that helped was for me to suck a mint and have water. My Daughter has panic attacks and I tell her to suck mints and keep a drink near by. She has learnt after having her heart tested...She is healthy and she came out of Docs all happy a skip in her step. But comes back the panic and she knows working herself up will make her worse so she sits with dog and has cuddles. Sad but she knows it will pass but when it is happening she works herself up more. I would love to magic panic attacks away from her. But it is she who has to do it. I am here for her. So Baron get round Docs get yourself checked out and go from their. Good luck and passes Baron a smile for down days xx Oh also my neighbour has them so being a good neighbour I got him a bottle of water/mints and explained about my Daughter xxxx ... Healthy lot in my house xxxxx