First IVF cycle - very nauseous and e... - Fertility, Miscar...

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First IVF cycle - very nauseous and emotional

UKgirlSweden profile image
11 Replies

I’m a Brit living in Sweden and undergoing my first IVF cycle. Rightly or wrongly I have opted not to tell close friends or family about what I’m doing which has meant a massive gap in emotional support. I had a miscarriage in December 2017 at 13 weeks so it’s probably why I’m being cautious.

I’m on day 8 of a short protocol and today have been feeling incredibly nauseated. I’m also a lot more bloated and tender in my abdomen than I have been. Today at work I burst into tears and had to go home. I have no idea of what I’m feeling is normal or if anyone else has felt the same in the past but it would help to hear anyone’s experiences.

My scan today was good, I have at least 3 follicles which look like they’ll be mature enough and another possible two. We are holding off until Friday for the final scan with possible egg retrieval on Monday.

Appreciate your insights - it’s super hard doing IVF in another country with people that speak good English but perhaps lack the empathy that I’m used to :)

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11 Replies
RhinoCat profile image

Glad you’ve found this wall it’s great . I was very emotional a few days into stims etc, think it’s normal because of the drugs, hormones and stress of the process. Try to chill as much as you can and put yourself first. Can you take time off if you need it?

I agree with limiting who knows about ivf , it’s a long journey and people lose interest and then don’t offer support when you need it most.

Be kind to yourself , get some extra sleep, drink water and watch some nonsense on tv.

You are doing the best you can 😘

If you haven’t already , download the Mindfulness ivf app that has the cloud with headphones icon . It’s great to calm you down when the ivf jitter tears hit.

We are with ya on this journey ! Reach out when you need to.

Sending hugs of support all the way to Sweden 🇸🇪

You can do this pet 😘

Hugs of support and understanding

Rhinocat x 💐

UKgirlSweden profile image
UKgirlSweden in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you so much for your kind words. Glad it’s not just me and it’s part of the process. I haven’t shed a tear so far so think I was in shock when the floodgates opened today.

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head re when or if to tell people. Most people who haven’t been through it are probably not going to understand enough to give me what I want. And truthfully I probably don’t know what that is anyway :)

I’ve come home from work early today and I’ll work from home rest of the week. If everything lines up next week I’ll just take the whole week off to give myself the best opportunity with the whole process.

Thanks for the advise on the Mindfulness IVF app, it sounds like it’s just what I need.

Big hugs back xo

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to UKgirlSweden

Good stuff, 😘

I found myself crying at tv adverts and everything .

I do cry but normally at sad stories not tv ads etc. The ladies on this wall can alllllll relate .

To me it felt like my period hormones multiples by ten that went on for 5 weeks 🤣

You will find yourself needing things for your head and heart . Netflix is great to make yourself rest, and distract. Other things recommended by my counsellor were mindfulness puzzle books and colouring . I didn’t think I’d like it but it’s great to focus on something and waste time . The breathing thing on the Mindfulness app is great . If you need more the Calm app is good too 😘 some lovely angel told me about this stuff .

Glad you can work from home and drink herbal tea etc in your cosy clothes as you rest and keep work ticking over .

Do what you need to do to get best out of the cycle. No regrets!

Hugs 🤗

Here if you need me 😘💐💖

Fluffysocks89 profile image

Hello lovely..

I think it’s completely normal to feel this way! I’ve been an emotional wreck for the most part of our experience.

I have only told my older sister about our journey so far and don’t intend on telling the rest of the family until we are ready to. I think it’s a very personal and emotional journey so there’s no right or wrong when it comes to sharing it with family & friends.

Always here if you want to vent.. sending you lots of love and positive vibes 💕💕

Be kind to yourself and remember you’re a warrior 💪🏼 IVF is bloody tough.

Wishing you all the best for your scan on Friday 🤞🏼🍀 xxx

UKgirlSweden profile image
UKgirlSweden in reply to Fluffysocks89

I’m sorry to heard about your emotional experience too. There’s enough to worry about with the bloody needles then you have to deal with hormones and the hope.

Agree, it’s super difficult to go it alone or share some of the burden. Hope your sister has given you the support you need.

Thanks for the good wishes for Friday too ❤️ xo

Very very normal! I am day 10 of stims, fluctuating between high as a kite and sobbing because of a song on the radio!!?? I am really achy in my abdomen, can't get my jeans on and feel sick as a dog when I eat!

Good luck for your egg collection! xx

UKgirlSweden profile image
UKgirlSweden in reply to

Oh wow day 10. I’m on day 8 with another couple to go. But feels very far away indeed.

It’s absolutely the rollercoaster ride isn’t it? It’s the feeling sick I can’t get over. I’m struggling to drink now and food isn’t appealing. My other half is cooking away and I’m like, no thanks! 👋🏻

Thanks so much for your support and good luck to you too xo

Katbaby19 profile image

My partner and I didnt tell anyone about doing IVF, Its a personal choice. I found this forus very useful. U will feel emotional and tender etc. Just remember why your doing it all and come.on here for a rant at anytime, there is always someone who will have been thought what ur going through. Good luck in your treatment

UKgirlSweden profile image
UKgirlSweden in reply to Katbaby19

I’m so used to being so transparent this is quite the test for me. My boyfriend is a lot more private so he’s got the right attitude!

It’s good to know what I’m feeling is normal and I’m super glad I signed up for this group. Thanks for your reply, really has helped put things in perspective xo

Katbaby19 profile image
Katbaby19 in reply to UKgirlSweden

No problem at all, nice to know other people going though the same thing and my partner is v private too so I felt almost pushed into keeping it a secret from my family and friends who I usually would tell everything to, but as it ends up, I was so glad we didnt tell anyone as it only would have put more pressure on us at an already stressful time . Hope everything works out for you. Message me anytime u want a chat or advise

Karinyaa profile image

You are DEF not alone, hun! I know a woman who's currently 39 and trying for baby #1. She has been TTC for over 10 years!! She had really traumatic miscarriages. Then she learned she has DOR. This means it's very hard for her to get preggo on her own. So - here she is, on day 12 of meds for IVF in BTC. Her retrieval is scheduled for Friday! Fingers crossed of course. Literally everyone both of us know has kids that are in school already. It must be twice hard for her. Also her twin sister has an 11 year old. And here she is – a ripe aged with not even a sign.. I must say this all is also a huge challenge for second halves too..Anyway she says this won't let to stop her from atts. Such brave ladies you are! Blessings on the way x

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