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Does anyone know about Parkinson's symptoms possibly brought on by an ovary removal and lack of oestrogen?

10 Replies

I had a visit from the Parkinson’s research nurses for a follow up visit. They asked me many questions but one that I’ve not been asked before was have I had an ovary removed. The answer is yes, but I was quite surprised at the question. I asked them why that was important but they couldn’t answer.

As soon as they were gone, of course, I looked on the Internet. It came up immediately that the removal of an ovary may cause Parkinson’s symptoms.

At the time I was offered HRT but because of controversy at that time I decided not to have it. Apparently the hormone replacement treatment prevents a massive loss of oestrogen, which causes the symptoms.

My question now is it too late to try hormone replacement. Having gone through the menopause I am afraid it might be too late but I am willing to try anything.

Here are some of the notes I found. I realise that every case is different but if I can find what my problem is maybe I can help someone else.

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10 Replies
ronn profile image

You have obviously put some good thought and research into the subject of your question. Having had no experiences similar to yours, I can offer no good response regarding your "loss of an ovary" theory about what brought on your symptoms. However, having monitored questions and answers on this site for several years, I have read the accounts of many who insist that their symptoms appeared after having major (or less) surgery under GENERAL ANESTHESIA. I assume that an ovary removal would be done under general anesthesia.

My own symptoms came on as I was recovering from heart surgery, having enjoyed a generous dose of juice during and after. In your search for what triggered your symptoms, this may be worth considering. Your opinions and conclusions may be of great value to someone else with a similar question.

I hope you find the answers that you seek.


hilarypeta profile image

very interesting; I have a large ovarian cyst they wanted to remove - i diminished the size of it by gemmotherapy; since the meno I have had higher blood pressure and cholesterol; underactive thyroid /nodules;frozen shoulders, shaky 2right hand fingers pd! shakes not increased in7 years; Have not had any medication or general anaethetics; had mercury fillings removed and root filling;

Kat00 profile image

I am not a Dr. or a medical expert, but I have worked in the health and fitness field for over 30 years. I have seen a recurring pattern in people I have worked with and studies I have read.

It is just my opinion/educated guess...

It seems that when the body goes through a trauma or general assault to its well being,

(like surgery, injury, anesthesia, the death of a loved one, the loss of an organ or even a cosmetic procedure like liposuction )...the body perceives an emergency situation and puts all of its energy into dealing with the crisis at hand


The WAY the body handles the emergency can cause other extreme conditions to develop or bring out problems that were lurking just beneath the surface..

For example, a body which suddenly detects itself devoid of estrogen diverts all its energy into making which was already being used to keep the body in whatever small amount of dopamine it was struggling to produce. This would be where the Parkinsons

symptoms would kick in as the body now is devoid of dopamine.

(Note: A body that is suddenly flooded with an excess of estrogen is also prone to female cancers. Too much of any good thing can be a bad thing!)

The body works hard to maintain a delicate balance. Sometimes when that balance is upset mightily, the diseases hiding out in our genetic predispositions make their appearance.

in reply to Kat00

Thanks this makes a lot of sense. At the time I was diagnosed I also had part of my thyroid removed plus divorce and a move from one continent to another. I'm still smiling though, and hopeful.

PatV profile image

Yes the year my PD symptoms appeared, I had had two thyroid surgeries, one to remove a nodule and one to remove the thyroid itself after cancer detected. Then 9/11 here in NYC and then my son died of drug interactions. In fact, GP thought my symptoms were "Just grief. " Every time I've had anesthesia my PD has advanced :(

bmakla54 profile image

I developed Parkinson's after a very traumatic hip replacement. Also a few years before I had had a total hysterectomy. I have read that estrogen protects against Parkinson's. If I had known this I would not have had my hysterectomy.....I would have treated my fibroids another way. I wish my gynocologist had made me aware of this. She suggested the removal of my ovaries so I wouldn't get cancer.

Susie01 profile image

As an RN, we know that stress affects the body. I was in the midst of a horrifice divorce when my symptoms exacerbated. My Dr. thought it was anxiety driven...gave me anti-anxiety meds.

My counselor at the time who was also well educated in homeopathy told me that I would probably experience a major illness with everything I was going through and he turned out to be correct.

I also had problems with hormone balance even in my 20's, but it was a lack of progesteron. I did have a hysterectomy in 2009 and have not been good about using HRT, need to follow up on it.

in reply to Susie01

Thank you to you and everyone else that replied to my question. Seems like it's another one of those "cul-de-sacs" where it could be/couldn't be. Trouble is I answer yes to nearly all of the possible causes. I think the cure will be found when each separate possible cause is isolated and allotted a special name under the umbrella of Parkinson's, as it seems different in each individual also. A bit like calling prostate or breast cancer "Cancer".

How can one name cover so many variations?

Susie01 profile image

There does seem to be so many factors. Recently, I read a study that indicated people with Scottish decent with a recessive gene for red hair had 9X the risk of developing PD and 6X the risk of malignant melenoma as the average population. They said 40% nof the population of the UK carried this recessive gene.

I am in the US, but do have Scottish decent, red headed grandfather and brother. I am blonde myself, do have a son who is "strawberry blonde" with redheads on the ex's side and Scottish decent. Wonder if that is a double whammy for my son...

I lived

on a farm in my childhood that tested pesticides I wonder if any one else shares my ideas

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