creatine use for parkinsons: Does anyone... - Cure Parkinson's

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creatine use for parkinsons

6 Replies

Does anyone try creatine for parkinsons ? How much do you take and how has it helped?

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6 Replies
12stargate profile image

This article indicate that creatine is good for us parkies!!

beauxreflets profile image

Hi siak,

When the discomfort is unbearable, I occasionally take L'Arginine (one element in Creatine) which appears to energise movement, and reduce the painful lethargic right leg when it refuses to relax at night. A small dose ( 5ml added to a glass of Orange juice) brings relief for quite a reasonable length of time (a good few weeks or months depending on my condition).

That said, these amino acids synthesise Nitric Oxides and high levels are apparently found in the damaged areas of the brain associated to PD. Accordingly from what I have read upon this aspect, short term relief may effectively speed up the progression of PD.

I guess it raises the question of striking the right balance upon what quality of life is desirable.

And from all of the above, it makes me wonder, whether PD is caused by a regional imbalance in Amino acids; Where the bodily (higher) requirement levels for amino acids breach the Myelin sheath around brain and Central nervous system, or another aspect within the biochemistry of the brain, fails to neutralise the synthesis necessary to protect the elements responsible for the production of Dopamine, resulting in the progressive losses.

Food for thought, as some articles upon Research back Creatine as neuro protective and others suggest the opposite.

Have a good Christmas

Kind Regards


mikaele profile image

I am a master personal trainer, and have parkinsons for about 14 years now. I am 45. I take creatine and have for a very long time, I noticed it does help. But I take it for strengthening my muscles. As I am trying to bodybuild again. So my exercises consist of lifting very heavy weights, even,though I have tremors and dyskanesias, ect.. I will save the physiology babble for, another post, but I have been telling people to take creatine, and exercise to build muscle for a long time, but they dismiss what I say as most with pd are into what they can not do. This is sad since most with pd are nit as bad as me or how I was. I now can bench over 300#s, I can curl 100#s. I also am on,a 200+ g of protein diet ( yes I take stalevo and sinamet), I take nitric acid, and bcaa. I take 5mg of creatine monohydrate ( there are different kinds) before my workout and 5mg after. My diet is timed vey exact, and protein, carbs, fats are precalculated and very exact. So yes creatine does help bit it helps short energy burts and mitochondria ( a dysfunction with pwp). There is also a loading period. If you like to know more my email is

Coblrman profile image
Coblrman in reply to mikaele

I've gotten a lot of benefit with weight lifting too. I don't have any pains that others have mentioned on here and it seems to help boost my meds and sleep somewhat. I also discovered when I began working out that no matter how much weight I was pushing that the PD would not let me lift near what my muscles could do. I was surprised after the first day that I had not one sore muscle in my body (as a result of the brain not allowing me to work hard). As I pushed forward with the training though I believe my brain and muscles are more in line with each other.

vivace1017 profile image

I was in a timed studying creatine for Parkinson's disease. The study ended early becCause it failed to show any significant difference in Parkinson's .

I tried Creatinine Monohydrate and I believed that it triggered my lip sores (HERPES SIMPLEX II)

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