What affects your participation (post... - High Blood Pressu...

High Blood Pressure Support

5,449 members1,429 posts

What affects your participation (posts and comments) on the community? Select all that apply

73 Voters
I am happy just reading
I am waiting for the right opportunity to join the conversation
I am still learning about the community, but I plan on posting soon
I would like to participate more, but I haven't had time
I feel I have nothing to say
I don’t feel comfortable talking about my personal health
I feel like i don't belong here
4 Replies
Maxyz3 profile image

I am very interested in finding the RIGHT blood pressure med for me here.

trish29 profile image

I have been unwell recently and feel that the Blood pressure medication I am on is not right for me .So I am interested at reading about the different medications.

LAHs profile image

I wish I could contribute more but I am quite ignorant about the field of blood pressure. This is unfortunate since I have high BP and would like to reduce it - but not with the awful drugs they would like you to take. I am already balancing my thyroid meds and I don't want to introduce a drug that will blow that long fought for fine balance out of whack. I wish I could contribute more, I'm sorry.

I think there should have been another option in the vote for people who (like me) would say a great deal if they were more knowledgeable, having to vote "I feel I have nothing to say" isn't quite the truth.

It depends on if someone asks a question I can answer.