When did you start experiencing symptoms ... - Beyond Psoriasis

Beyond Psoriasis

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When did you start experiencing symptoms of psoriasis?

MaddieHU profile imageMaddieHUHealthUnlocked36 Voters
When I was a child
20's - 30's
40's - 50's
My teenage years
60's - 70's
When I was a baby
80's or older
7 Replies
BonnieSue profile image

As a mature adult I finally realized that the itchiness I felt on my scalp as a child wasn't from playing in the grass like my legs and arms would get, it was psoriasis. But no one realized it. I thought originally that I'd started with it was an adult. But now I know that my Dad has it as well as at least one of my sons. Good thing we did pass along some good traits...

Barrister profile image

I don’t have psoriasis but I do have Psoriatic Arthritis. My son has severe psoriasis and was covered from head to toe until he started Stelara.

Matalow profile image

Hi Maddie mine started in the scalp, I didn’t know what it was so used t gel etc. It was only after RA was diagnosed that it spread all over my body.I still have it on top of my feet it sometimes spreads up my legs, I find it itches more before the rash appears. Hope this helps .

Regards Mike

Ps I’m on Humira which I believe helps with psoriasis

Evaflo10s profile image

Hi Maddie. I have psoriatic arthritis but no psoriasis , yet .

My father suffers from psoriasis though.

Diagnoised at 4yrs old I'm now 48yrs old, awful life sucking disease.

beaton profile image

Psoriasis was one of the first autoimmune diseases "symptoms" I had after the birth of my first child. It wasn't acknowledged as such until much later. (30 years later.)

Someonesmother profile image

I have never had [psoriasis but I have a diagnosis for now of psoriatic arthritis as I now don't fit the sero neg RA diagnosis I was originally given. No one in my family has psoriasis either