Auntie wrong again!: Good old BBC News... - Lung Conditions C...

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Auntie wrong again!

24 Replies

Good old BBC News getting it wrong again. Giving the most publicity to the least helpful supermarket. IMHO of course, there might be even worse. 🙄

24 Replies
moogle profile image

Which Supermarket?

in reply to moogle

Let’s all vote on it, starting with hypercat54 🧐

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Not the TT's? Arrrrrrrghhh xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Boycott! Boycott! Catcott! 🧡xx

Spacecat1 profile image

Was it by any chance the one beginning with T.

sassy59 profile image

Oh dear! That’s not good. I don’t shop with them. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Neither do I anymore after doing so since I first went shopping there with my mother and sister yonks ago. I nearly blew a gasket watching the CEO on the long BBC lunchtime news item rubbing his hands at the thoughts of increased profits. For his loyal vulnerable customers he did nothing.🤬

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I don’t blame you Don, not very nice. Xxxx

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Im lost here! No big surprise considering I'm mainly shopping for NUTS 🥜🥜🥜🐿💕

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Don’t worry, I think I’ve caught a touch of the Skis-virus! 😷

SquirrelsHolt profile image
SquirrelsHolt in reply to


in reply to SquirrelsHolt

I mean catching his angriness, nothing serious 😉😅x

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to


MoyB profile image

Well, I have to say that without Tesco, we would have been very hungry for the first three weeks of the lock down as, despite labelling me as a priority customer, Sainsbury's had no delivery slots available at all, whereas we were able to do two click and collect and one delivery with Tesco. I've never been their greatest fan, but they were there in our hour of need which I will not forget.

For the past few weeks we have been lucky to get Sainsbury's again and prefer them as they stock some products that we cannot get elsewhere. However, if they cannot oblige with delivery at any time, we'll be back to Tesco in a flash.

xx Moy

in reply to MoyB

Click and collect were of no use to those confined to barracks. Sainsburys offered me priority online slots from day one. I can only think they must have picked that up from my age, I have a Nector Card. I've had a Tesco Club Card since Greenshield stamp days.

It seems to have been a 'luck of the draw' situation wherever you look. It will be interesting to see how things stand when all this devastation ceases. 😒x

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

Yes, I take your point about the click and collect, Don. We got our first one just before I was confined to barracks so were able to pick it up ourselves, then our son kindly picked up the second one for us. I am not joking though when I say without Tesco we would have been up s**t creek. I had just had a big cupboard cull and used up all the odds and sods and got rid of stuff that was too old, and also was emptying the freezers ready to re-stock. So I was really caught off guard. We quickly bought in some Wiltshire dinners, but had b****r all else so were so glad to get the Tesco shopping even if we couldn't get loo rolls! I think we have all had different experiences and certainly the response across the country is very different according to where you live. On a lighter note, if you live in Georgia USA you can now get a facial, a hair cut and a tattoo. If only there were flights! 😁

in reply to MoyB

It's so easy to become unreasonable during these trying times, expecting loyalty from a massive supermarket is probably so. If it was still Jack Cohen with his barrow it would be different.

I think the people of Georgia USA may yet pay heavily for their facial, a hair cut and a tattoo. I certainly hope not. 🤔xx

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to

My friend's friend lives in Georgia and phoned her the other day. He said they are all in a state of disbelief that the Governor should give these things priority when starting to lift the restrictions. However, if I get desperate enough to take the sewing scissors to my hair, I might wish we had followed suit! Seriously, though, it is quite mad, isn't it? xx Moy

flicky1 profile image
flicky1 in reply to MoyB

Hello Moy, I think that people's priorities in this country of what they think they really need are completely different from mine. Here we have people who are looking forward to the opening of shops, pubs, restaurants, hairdresses etc. again. As long as I have enough to eat and I can get my medication, that is all I materialistically need at the moment. I don't want society to get out there again yet until we can be sure we won't have another serious wave of Corona Virus deaths. Rather than risking it mixing with many strangers, I would rather be able to see the people I care about and who I know have been following social distancing properly.

My haircut can wait. I can buy things online should I want something that's not really necessary. The NHS don't need me to clap outside my front door, and I shouldn't doespecially as my neighbour would be 2 feet away from me outside her front door. Although I have a lung condition, I am lucky that is not yet that serious, so I am not totally imprisoned in my house like many people on this website. But I have not entered a shop since before lockdown and will not enter one again until I feel it's safe enough.

A friend of mind died unexpectedly recently. I could have really done with a hug then. I can't imagine what it must be like for anyone who has lost their partner as this time and is stuck at home alone.

I think that being able to see and hug the people we care about outide our own home, will probably be the last thing to be allowed, as the focus will be more on the economy rather than the mental wellbeing of the many who are confined to their home without their loved ones. I hope I am wrong.

wheezyof profile image

I've only had help from Iceland and Tesco. Nothing from Sainsbury's or other shops. Full marks for Iceland they have given me great service.

Of course despite being among the first to ge my house arrest letter I had to wait for the shops but the government box was a life saver.

Grandmatojack profile image
Grandmatojack in reply to wheezyof

I agree I think Iceland did a marvellous job at serving the vulnerable. Straight away they asked if you were over 65 and having difficulties shopping.

ldwilliams profile image

Morrisons basically said bugger orft, sainsburys nothing, asda nothing, which left tesco and so far, 2 deliveries. To me it looks like they have got things best sorted, in general,

Bluenotes profile image

Tesco's was the only one that responded to me , now I. have a weekly slot . But they must be making a big profit, as there are hardly any price deals , which I used to buy a lot , and everything seems to be large sizes . Well , at least it's food .keep smiling 🤗🤗

Angelagone profile image

I think it depends on where you live. I had a delivery from tesco a week ago and it was a bit like xmas. My first delivery in a month ! Got another one today. I do seem to have heard lots of negative stories though where people have gone to their shops ?

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