Can't seem to leave the house! - Asthma Community ...

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Can't seem to leave the house!

11 Replies

I've been doing really well this week after starting theophylline it's really making a difference for me. That was until last night I had to walk through a train station where someone had been smoking indoors. I had a significant attack, not enough to send me to hospital, ventolin kind of helped a bit. Now I feel terrible everything trigger's symptoms, the whole thing's been a huge set back for me, and really knocked my confidence.

It's been the same story every time I go out of the house and I really don't know what to do. I'm practically a prisoner in my own home because each and every time I'm well enough to go out something will happen and I'm back where I started. I feel like crying, I can't carry on being trapped like this, but I'm at a loss. Sorry I just needed a rant

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11 Replies

Aww ! Sorry you arnt to well at the moment.Asthma not good also and finding it hard just getting round the house. Hope you feel better soon and get to go out and not come in contact with triggers xxx

I am sorry hun. Keeping taking each day as it comes & dont be too hard on yourself. You have been through a tough time & it will take time to get over it. Thinking of you. Hugs.


Perhaps you should see gp & tell him about whats happening.

Its bad enough having asthma, without being stuck inside.

Do you think your asthma may be triggered by the cold air?

The only reason i ask, is because my asthma always gets worse when its very cold out.

Hope you feel better soon.



Thanks for your messages everyone. My GP is aware of the situation, and I've referred to a chest clinic, but my appointment isn't till 3rd march, I get the impression they don't really know what to do with me until then. I recently started theophylline which did seem to help, but then I went out the other day and am back where I started. Cold is a big trigger for me but I think my real Achilles heel at the moment is tobacco smoke, and despite the smoking ban it's impossible to avoid as even residual smoke on people's clothes is more than enough!


Yesterday I cried! This whole asthma thing is becoming too much for me, I know I've got it easier than many but I'm still struggling to cope. Despite my extremely high peak flows my lungs are still so sensitive to triggers I'm finding myself having regular mild-moderate attacks. I'm still practically housebound due to the need to be able to control my environment although even at home I can't completely eliminate triggers.

I saw my own GP on Wednesday (2nd Feb) and even though up until now she's been really helpful my condition is now beyond her expertise and I came away without any real help, nothing to help the asthma, just some routine blood test. Due to the fact that my GP doesn't want to do anything that might aggravate my lungs, I'm also stuck with the chest,back and abdominal pain that the coughing and increased effort of breathing causes, as well as having to survive on just getting a few hours of sleep here and there when exhaustion kicks in. Basically Ive got to hang tight until I see the consultant, but my appointment is almost a month away, and my GP said that nothing would really happen until a month after that -so that's 2 months at least before I get any relief!

Just to make things that bit more stressful I'm getting grief from the inlaws for not having a job (I'm looking for a specific placement so I can finish my degree (although I don't even think I'd be capable of it right now anyway). Given that I can't leave the house without making myself ill and that any job involving dealing with people is completely out right now as with other people comes a whole host of triggers (perfumes, smoke, viruses to name but a few) and the fact that I barely get any sleep I'm not even sure what kind of job I CAN do. So yeah, apparently because I'm currently being supported my my fiancé I'm some kind of leach, the fact that their smoking habits almost landed me in hospital over Christmas is apparently an insignificant detail.

Sorry for the moan, but you guys are the only ones who really understand and I'm at my wits end.

I really identify. I have been house bound now for about 3 weeks and still feel no closer to finding a solution, I am even triggered by some of the inhalers, my lungs are so sensitive!

I am scared about taking oral steroids but think it may be the only as at least that way I could reduce the use of inhalers. As I really feel that the inhalers are creating a lot of the full on lung spasms which frankly are much worse than the lung tightness and constriction at the top of my chest.

I've had to take my own initiative on absolutely everything by finding and booking an appointment with an ENT specialist to look at my sinuses which definitely aggravate my symptoms. My respiratory specialist did not refer me to anyone else - not even an asthmas nurse!!

I also think it is really important to go and see an allergy consultant which I have also arranged for myself as the body responds in this way often much more severely when it has deficiencies elsewhere. For instance I have adrenal fatigue and that has completely exacerbated the amount of chest infections/ rhinitis and allergic reactions that I get.

I have been unable to work for weeks now and before this all flared up I was trying to look for some work as I am running out of money but I am a complete emotional wreck.

Just recently I have managed to go out a bit more and often wear a scarf around my face to protect me from smoke and germs - I am not afraid to take care of myself even if I look stupid!

I really identify. I have been house bound now for about 3 weeks and still feel no closer to finding a solution, I am even triggered by some of the inhalers, my lungs are so sensitive!

I am scared about taking oral steroids but think it may be the only as at least that way I could reduce the use of inhalers. As I really feel that the inhalers are creating a lot of the full on lung spasms which frankly are much worse than the lung tightness and constriction at the top of my chest.

I've had to take my own initiative on absolutely everything by finding and booking an appointment with an ENT specialist to look at my sinuses which definitely aggravate my symptoms. My respiratory specialist did not refer me to anyone else - not even an asthmas nurse!!

I also think it is really important to go and see an allergy consultant which I have also arranged for myself as the body responds in this way often much more severely when it has deficiencies elsewhere. For instance I have adrenal fatigue and that has completely exacerbated the amount of chest infections/ rhinitis and allergic reactions that I get.

I have been unable to work for weeks now and before this all flared up I was trying to look for some work as I am running out of money but I am a complete emotional wreck.

Just recently I have managed to go out a bit more and often wear a scarf around my face to protect me from smoke and germs - I am not afraid to take care of myself even if I look stupid!

I'm not trying to be insensitive. But after attacks or flare ups are long are super stroppy but u can't avoid all triggers the more u eliminate/ avoid u will find another to take it's place. Some time when u feel a bit better and enuff puff to get out the house u should go for it. The difference being unable to go out due to symptoms and the reluctance to go incase u find another trigger... I think speaking to a counsellor may help u cope with the stress and anxieties that your asthma has created. In the mean time anti histamines may help reduce symptoms of ur asthma...... Hope u feel better soon.

hope you start to feel a little better soon.

You need to get out when you can to help you stay positive

but do understand how hard it is when you go out xxxx

My asthma nurse tells me take my reliever before go out and use it when out

so dont end up gasping before ive had any xxxx

I'm doing a bit better now, I think I might have been trying to do too much too soon. As soon as I started to feel better I'd have run some errands or something and it would put me back to square one. This time I've left it a bit longer and I seem to be doing much better, I actually managed to get to a (non-resp) hospital appointment and back without having an attack, although I did still use a fair amount of salbutamol. The best thing about this week is that I managed to have a completely asthma free shower yesterday!

Thats good to hear hun, keep taking each day as it comes. Listen to your lungs & dont push yourself. If you work within your limits your body will thank you. Take care & hope you continue to improve.



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