Does physiotherapy help?: So I've had a... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Does physiotherapy help?

Cb1963 profile image
15 Replies

So I've had a pretty "hard" manual lifestyle and have arthritis in both shoulders, already had cortisone injections in both shoulders, so that tells me I have worn out my joints, also to throw into the mix I've now got chronic back ache,and my left hip is "twinging " I can't sleep with my back properly, I constantly ache, I honestly don't believe any " exercise " will cure my ailments, should be in bed but still struggling to even contemplate going to bed, these young pyhsio's need to be in my body to understand the pain, its all the dam hard grafting in all weather's has caused this problem as well as hitting 60 Last year, and the government wants to increase retirement age!!!!Certain people who've had a psychical demanding lifestyle are already on worn out, I've done hod carrying, filled numerous skips by hand digging footings, been on knees for years tiling, even plastering full houses, yes a jack of all trades, plumbing as well, I even started to struggle having a shave in front of the mirror with my constant back ache,all the simple tasks are getting impossible, and a bath is out of the question, can't push myself out, and I didn't think old age would bring so many problems all of a sudden, I feel

"Young in my head" stuck with a body that's letting me down, yes I feel mentally like Peter Pan, but trying to accept these ailments is frustrating to say the least, sorry for the long post, but hopefully everyone is keeping well, and chat again soon, that's if anyone is interested ❤️ 💙 😊

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Cb1963 profile image
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15 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Oh I'm very interested in your post Cb1963.

I too feel like PeterPan, young at heart and still want to fly.

Sometimes, the feeling and motivation is there but the spirit

is unable to move the body.

And then...I read something like today. A young mother having

gotten sick and then went into sepsis. Both hands and feet turned

black and were dying...If she wanted to be saved, she would have to

face amputation. Did she want to live?? Oh yes. She had 2 young children

and a husband she loved. And so, she had the surgery. Her comment after

was that she was so happy to be alive. Positive attitude gives us quality of


After reading that, I was grateful in what I had in my life. Two arms, two legs

two eyes, two ears and a voice that could say, I am blessed. Life is Good :) xx

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to Agora1

I've survived two major scares 😱 in my life with a serious ruptured appendix, I was in a mess for 3 months after fill open surgery, and in another occasion had a internal stomach bleed, on both occasions I never thought I was saying my goodbye to the world, obviously then I realised I'm not invincible , these are things you know you will hopefully recover from, but with age and a physical demanding lifestyle time has caught me by surprise 😮. Now I'm a type of person who just gets on with things, but trying to adjust my mindset to these ailments is another matter , I'm stubborn with many things health wise and recently had a episode of severe cluster headaches, these lasted for over 7 months, now I can't tell you how debilitating these headaches are, they've been called "suicide " headaches because of the intense pains that they cause,yes they had me crying in agony, rocking on the end of the bed,wide awake at stupid o'clock in the early hours when I should've been fast asleep, I honestly don't know how much longer I could tolerate these brutal headaches , hence the saying suicide headaches, when you have dark thought's about these health issues they take you too places you'd rather not be, dealing with each different aches and pains starts chipping away at you,until I try to understand my health issues I can't get my head around how quickly things start to cause problems, and now I'm in limbo, the brain won't accept I'm having these issues,but I've got a little devil tapping me on my shoulder letting me know your not running away from me 👹

So it's not a straightforward journey as I expected, life can have some nice surprises, but this is causing me a bit of a problem to say the least, the "list " of ailments are mounting up, and these aren't "nice " surprises " I'm at the stage where things are getting difficult and simple tasks are no longer easy, this is going to be a long road ahead with different problems,an I ready for more health issues, NO, but I'll see what other goodies this body can handle, and the journey continues with anticipation, yes I have hope, but deep down I expect more nasty surprises, I'm on a journey into unknown waters, I hope my inflatable jacket keeps my head above water if you can understand, I don't fancy doing full time on the planet if things start to get rough, , then you start thinking what's the point, ah well I'm needing some sleep hopefully , but I expect my headaches to feel upto another session, these are brewing now, and I thought I'd got rid of them,and so it's a pattern that's not I enjoy, oh toodle pip for now and thanks for your great post and 😇night, night 😴

blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Cb1963,

Thank you for such an illuminating post.

Unless we have been workers in the building trades, we really have no idea of the trials and tribulations aging workers face.

When you mentioned physiotherapy is of no assistance, perhaps you need a different kind of therapist. Occupational therapists or OTs for short are professionally equipped to

1. help if you are having difficulty with everyday tasks — that is, the tasks that occupy you.

2. help you maintain, regain, or improve your independence using different techniques and equipment.

3. work with people of all ages and social groups.

4. ask about your daily activities and help you find ways to function more effectively and confidently.

If your doctor refers you to an OT, government schemes may cover the cost.

I found this link to UK website which should be relevant for you

All the best in you new chapter of life

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to blackcat64013

Awe thanks so much for your reply I'll look into that, great shout up!

Hi it can help but not for all It does not cure long term issues

Maybe reduce pain

Low level exercise as well no going through pain barriers

Certainly no exercises etc after steroid injections

Excepting it is hard as yiu say

Another tool is trying to get this extra money for help

And everyo e with issuies should apply



Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to

Thanks for your reply, another "night " of poor sleep only had around 3 and a half hours sleep , feel like a zombie with the lack of sleep 😴 boy running on fumes, probably have a nap during the day 🙄

in reply to Cb1963

I not good You avoid meds for sleep

As can have a big impac on your day lack of sleep

Lizzo30 profile image

Hi there I think your problems are hormonal - you are lacking estrogen

The way it works is men make some estrogen from their testosterone bc of your age your testosterone is declining and your estrogen is declining along with it

Headaches and aching joints are symptoms of womens menopause - your doctor won't prescribe you estrogen but you could go to Boots or Holland&Barrett and buy a suppliment for the menopause say it's for your wife if you feel embarrassed

One thing I can recommend is flaxseed oil which you can buy from Sainsburys it's next to the olive oil have a desert spoon a day

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to Lizzo30

Ah i get B12 injections every 3 months, this is required as I have problems with the deficiency, the headaches are a diagnosed symptom that can happen to certain group's of individuals, these are clinical proven, and only certain medicines help when an attack comes on, my joints are worn out from grafting for most of my life, was in the forces for several years, and had a physically exhausting period being a superb long distance runner, I once came 2nd in a marathon to a PT instructor who came 6th in the New York marathon , I was still under training and I broke the time reckon on a battle fitness test, so I look back on my past and no I'm feeling the effects of a manual life, I shall definitely enquire about your recommendation, and I appreciate your input!!!1👍👏

Hello dear friend 🤗 during the 2 years I have known you you vary rarely complain or post unless your joke posts, so I know you must be at your wits end and it sadens me that someone as nice as you should be suffering so and course your neuropathy, no cure at all for that, as you know I struggle with my head pain from my Trig nuralgia but luckily it goes into remisshion at times,so I know how hard that has been for you, as with my UC🙏 summers reprieve time for me as with some arthritis repetitive strain DIY injuries too, rest and warm weather, have you tried heat pads in bed and by day my mam has them for her back,expect you've tried everything, yes the change in pension laws is the pits, but as I have said before with all your conditions you can get help,please stop been so independent and proud, you've paid in a fortune and deserve financial help now, yes physiotherapy can help my builder had a very painful elbow tennis elbow he called it but from his work it's fine now, your doctor can refer you, I also empathise on your sleep issues, but mine are from 🐅my little man 😸I nod while watching TV gets your sleep when you can, maby some sleeping pills now n and then, retirement in the sun is what you need, but don't we all, i have couple friends with rhumatoid arthritis they take hot baths and one hot showers sometimes 3 times a day this helps, again the heat, roll on summer, my mam.still plods on often works in pain as do i on diy tasks but we're both having to slow down now, so I know how frustrating it is,we still feel young at heart, shes 85 as you know on your birthday 😊i cannot imagine doing what she does if i reach that age, at least thats one good thing about global warming wel have hot summer and wont have to endure old age, you know where I am on pm I'm not on this forum much now I'm foccusing on my other health sites, pixie sends a hug yes it's me Mad M🙄 last name last try on HU sending heeling vibres to you 🙏💛🌻💙🐅I noticed someone said you are on male menopause,worth looking into, men do actually get hormone changes too,I'll send you some of my HRT patches 🤩

Cb1963 profile image

Do us men get hot flushes and have a short fuse 😳🤣, I think I'm fairly "normal " and try and laugh my way through things, er " doctor " can you put me on the pill 💊 🤣

in reply to Cb1963

Haha I meant to add you won't like this fresh cream and red meat my mam went on a arthritis diet even tomatoes are bad I can't have them now with my UC, ☹️ it's good we still have our humours to get us through I have been feeling sorry for myself lately with the shock off getting my UC back but reading your post has made me realise things could be worst, we just have to adjust to old age and what life throws at us, and do stuff that makes us happy, so enjoy your Holliday abroad send us a photo 😁look up the arthritis diet I can't remember it lol another issue and I don't even know what my name is these days not does anyone else 🤣I'm also getting more like victor meldrew 😭

Cb1963 profile image

Yes will do, and you put your feet up, not worth bustling around, I'm having an afternoon nap, I only had 3and a bit sleep last night 😴

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to Cb1963


in reply to Cb1963

My other half woke me at 4 went in his litter tray I have to clean it he was scratting ages I don't know some men LOL 😂 oh yeu gluchosomine and chrondrotin I take for my knee damaged cartilage doctor recommended it have good sleep 😴💤

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