Adderall XR: Increase dosage? - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Adderall XR: Increase dosage?

MaudQ profile image
2 Replies

I have an upcoming psych visit and I’m thinking of asking my prescriber to up my dosage. I’m currently on Adderall XR 15 mg which is working better than the other drugs I’ve tried. I’m still having issues with focus, decision making, knowing what the steps are in a project and memory.

Here’s an example: I started my dog on a new food. Poured the food into container, threw out bag. Dog starts gaining weight. Takes me a while to figure out what’s going on: he needs a smaller portion on the new food. Find image of label from pet food site. Save it and then lose it. Find it again, print it out, put it on bulletin board in kitchen. Feel overwhelmed, take a break. Realize I can dedicate a measuring cup at the right size (which somehow, by reducing the step of using the old dog food scoop with multiple measurement markers, makes the project feel manageable again.) But now I need the dog’s healthy weight to find the correct amount of food. Remember and forget cycle for 2 days to ask my husband. Remembered to ask this morning! Now all I have to do is look at the label and pull a measuring cup out of the drawer!

This means my symptoms aren’t controlled, right? 😅 If you are on a med that works for you, how did you know when you were at the right dose? What’s a realistic expectation?

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2 Replies
Jozlynn profile image

Hi MaudQ!

All I can contribute is my experience. I went up pretty quickly on Adderall XR until I could get through most of my day without losing my ability to focus, etc. I was at 30mg (I'm on the equivalent of Vyvanse now due to the med shortage) and now also have a low dose Adderall IR in the afternoon. I work a fulltime job plus run my own business, so I needed it to last longer than 4:00 in the afternoon because I work late hours.

It can be life changing being on meds, but it's not a magic bullet, unfortunately. You're still going to have days where you wonder if your meds are even working, but then go a couple of weeks without it if the pharmacies are out and you'll realize that they ARE working, it's just not as "stark" of a difference compared to when you first start because your body had adjusted to it.

Definitely let your doctor know that you feel like you're still struggling. They'll likely up your dose in small increments until you feel you've found the dose that works for you.

You'll still be scattered at times, forgetful at time, etc., it's just not nearly as bad as unmedicated. Plus, there's a lifetime of habits that we have to become conscious of that can also impact things.

Wishing you all the best as you get this sorted!

Fibery1 profile image

I understand that increasing from 15 is reasonable. I take 30mg Vyvanse. 20mg leaves me doing as you are. I understand there are other medications that are sometimes added to optimize the stimulants. So you might want to ask what all your options are.

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