Would you opt for anti- depressants over na... - Above & Beyond

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Would you opt for anti- depressants over natural remedies and which have you tried?

chloe40 profile imagechloe4015 Voters
Yes and I've taken anti-depressants in the past.
No never, I always take natural remedies.
No, but I have taken them in the past.
These ......... natural remedies worked for me
Yes, but I haven't been prescribed them yet.
7 Replies
Cleaner profile image

I've tried natural remedies in the past. They didn't help me one bit. So I'm afraid I'm on antidepressants

chloe40 profile image
chloe40 in reply to Cleaner

Don't say your afraid Cleaner nothing to feel bad about, I take them myself. :-) with a great deal of success.


Hermes123 profile image


I think your questions are incorrectly laid out. No mention of do you take them at present, are they prescription or natural remedy. I had natural remedy in the distant past, did nothing for me but I have one a day prescription tab.

chloe40 profile image

Thank you for your comments Hermes123


mysmugcat profile image

I resisted anti DPS for years. After dropping temporarily out of uni I took them. I'm older and still take them. I took at Johns wort in the past but not now and it interacts with other medicines such as the pill.

*St Johns wort

chloe40 profile image
chloe40 in reply to mysmugcat

Yes, I can understand that mysmugcat and I also know that I can't take St John's Wort because of prescribed meds, so we do need to be very careful about this.


Harkut profile image

I am taking 40 mg. of citalapram, this was prescribed by my GP, love him but decided to see a psych nurse to discuss other medications, appt is coming up. I was on this years ago for anxiety /panic attacks. It worked well for that, not so much for depression.

I did try a natural remedy first before I went on citalapram this time. I really believe in it but Unfortunately it wasn't enough.

Hope this helps with the survey