I have fallen in the pit of overeating!! - Weight Loss Support

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I have fallen in the pit of overeating!!

pinkiepolkadot profile image
13 Replies

I am writing today as I realised that after doing ok and actually managing to motivate myself to loose weight now I find it easy for me to just give up and say I will do it tomorrow.

I do not want to admit that this has been going on for weeks and I can't seem to get myself going to the right track.

I have to admit that my partner is not helping as he will tempt me with things and keeps buying unhealthy things.

I find really hard not to give in and it brings me down because I have proof pictures of me loosing weight and now all that hard work is absolutely gone.

I really need some encouragement please I can't stand looking at me in the mirror.

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pinkiepolkadot profile image
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13 Replies
Prin profile image

Unless you are in the right frame of mind thie isn't going to work! Re group set yourself a lilttle goal 3-5lbs or getting into a smaller item of clothing (ladies we all have them) good luck!

riolady profile image


I feel for you, I was the same once or twice. You need your partner to help you really, by encouraging you not teasing you with bad foods. Put a photograph of yourself when you were lighter, up in your kitchen. Big pictures of good foods also set you off wanting or fancying healthy foods and keeps your mind off the bad stuff. Make a collage of nice colourful vegetables and juicy fruits, shiny fish etc.. I find looking at these foods each time I wonder into the kitchen takes away the craving for biscuits, cakes, crisps etc. Don't give up or give in, just think what you could look like when you succeed! !!!!!!!

xsallyx profile image

Hello their.

My other half used to do the same till I spoke to him. he used to bring in big bars of chocolate till I told him a little 55p bar is okay from time to time. When he asks if I want anything from the shop I always say no because he would go over the top. partners like to treat their other half's, maybe sit down, say how you feel and let them know the treats you would like and how often.

greddie profile image

I have been were you are now. Four years ago I stopped smoking and started eating, I soon gained 3 stones of weight. I tried many times to loose the weight but like you always said tomorrow. My determination was further weekenders by my chocolate monster of a husband.

It was after reading about the health benefits of of eating well. The beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables, as well as the harmful elements of processed food and indeed, diet foods. As a result I have stopped 'dieting' to loose weight and started to think about what I am putting into my body.

To tackle my issue of large portion size I bought a cheep dinner service from Asda which contains a lovely smaller dinner plate. Using this smaller plate was odd to begin with but now it feels very normal.

Nine weeks ago I weighed 14 stones 12 this morning I weigh 13 stones 9lb. Not only am I loosing weight I have also noticed that my hair an skin are looking healthier too.

Good luck with your weight loss

higgy1968 profile image

As I'm in control of what we eat (as no one else can be bothered to cook) I never had some of your issues but I believe in "slow & steady" I used my fitness pal app to log what I ate & I found running. I've lost 4st in 9mths but I don't think I could have done it by diet alone, exercise was key to me. Good luck

Angel108 profile image

I could've written this blog word for word, it's uncanny! I am doing a menu plan for the week to see if that helps me. I am not going to embarrass myself by saying how much chocolate I've had in the last week alone plus all the other bad things. My meals are actually very good, low fat, low GI, but boy my extras are awful. Tomorrow is my 11 week countdown to New York and I aim to lose 1lb a week. Good luck all.

mitzymoo profile image

Hi Angel

First of all very well done for taking the difficult step of wanting to making a difference!

Sit down with your partner and have a good talk about why you want to do this. If all else fails to get him on side, You can always try saying, if you support me in my new healthy living and help me reach my goal! Your reward could be me looking fantastic in an outfit of your choice for xmas!

16 weeks today is xmas eve! So if you could manage to loose just 2lb a week that'll be 2st 4lb!!! How hot will you look this xmas.

I don't count calories, i do portion size i find seeing how much i'm allowed works better. I have no feeling go the right side of my body, and i have hypermobility which stops me being able to exercise, just moving wrong in a chair i can pop my hip out!!

The trick i use was given to me by a dietician who advises gastric op patients.

Draw round a teaplate onto a piece of card

Draw a line through the middle of the circle deviding it into two equal sections

Draw a line through the middle of 1 of the halves to make 2 equal quarters

You should have 1 half and 2 quarters

(Use this guide for every meal)

The largest portion is for vegetables and fruit

One of the smaller portions is for meat or if you're vegetarian quorn or similar products

The other smaller section is for Carbs wholewheat, wholemeal, wholegrain, brown, seeded and jacket are the best choice as we know!

One you've written all the info on your guide laminate it and keep it in the kitchen for when needed. I use a pasta bowl instead of a teaplate as i struggle to eat off a plate, it is the same size so the portions still work the same.

Also and in my mind very important check out the blood group diet, it tells you which foods are toxic to your body, which are medicine and what to eat generally.


Check your hubby's aswell you might be able to stop him craving unhealthy foods which will benefit you all in the long run!

I found out I'm wheat and dairy intolerant! I made the few changes it suggested and by the end of the first week i felt less bloated and by the end of the first month the psoriasis on my face and scalp had nearly gone!

Good luck on your new lifestyle journey, we're here for you if you need any advice, support, or ideas on how to get revenge on unhelpful partners!! In you need a lifestyle buddy i'd be honoured.

Take care and angel blessings xx

Hi pinkiepolkadot,

Actually, at one level - what did you think would happen?

Look, some habits - as the old saying goes - die hard. And much about the way you eat, how much you eat and what you eat is about nothing more than habit. Perhaps ones you got into a a youngster, perhaps ones you got into to be like the others in your social group(s).

However, If you were suddenly moved to some other country / culture which had a very different cuisine, you would just have to adapt and leave behind you current eating habits.

So, recognise that you can actually change them. They're not fixed and unchageable - however much that they may seem to be like that at times.

And once you get yourself into better healthier eating habits, they will actually become your 'new' habits over time, often within only a matter of a dozen weeks or so.

Looking back on my journey, I now cringe at the bad eating habits that I used to have. No, I do NOT miss the fatty, sweet, junk food I used to shovel down my throat, nor the huge portions, nor the pies nor the chips, nor all that chocolate, nor the cakes, etc., etc.

Quite the contrary, I now really enjoy the way I eat now and I feel just so much better on it, too.

I still eat many of the things I used to eat, but much less so and much less frequently.

I still have treats - but if you're eating these things everyday, they're not treats they're your normal food intake.

Good luck with your weight loss journey.

pinkiepolkadot profile image

I just wanted to say MASSIVE thanks to everyone that replied to my post. I felt like sharing this burden with people that understand how it's like to struggle.

I have to say that I somehow in my tiny brain believed it will be easier. It turns out it's really easy to eat whatever comes to hand than actually prepare something healthier.

From yesterday once I have read everyone's replies I massively reduced how much I was eating and everytime I wanted to go for something really bad I reminded myself just how much weight I put on and how I look now and I stopped.

Partner bought Maltesers yesterday and I can't stand them so I wasn't tempted at all!!

And Doikosp I am not from this country so it's twice as hard to change my eating habits as english people have same bad eating habits .

But as you said already eating habits can change and I'm hoping that I will manage to fit in my old dresses and look the way I really want for Christmas( thanks for the idea mitzymoo)

Fingers crossed as tomorrow I will be attempting to get out of the house and go for a run ( that's if I somehow manage to find other excuses to not go) but I'm hoping that I will just go for it.

I will try to divide the plate and to come up with a plan for the whole week which I think will help me ,maybe I will be less tempted to over eat. Out of curiosity how much bread do you eat per week/day?

Good luck to everyone and please keep us posted with things that might help everyone

Candystripe profile image

Pills are just totally unnecessary and not acceptable to promote on this site. Most do not support good health and are just a scam to get you to spend money to make profits for companies. I have reported this as scam!

Candystripe profile image

You are promoting it for others which is not acceptable through this site. Also offensive gesticulations are not a good advertisement, it doesn't give you any credibility whatsoever. Good if it works for you, please also continue on your journey as you wish.

margrete profile image

I think it's very difficult if the person closest to you - your partner - is doing his best to sabotage your efforts. Other people get this from others close to them, their mother, close friend, whoever has influence in their life.

Had to smile a bit on Monday. We went to a fund-raising occasion in a local community centre, fund-raising was for victims of domestic abuse. Inevitably there was tea/coffee - and cake! Iced cakes either to buy or sliced with tea/coffee. I looked at the iced cakes as we passed and said 'No, absolutely not!' A woman close by gave me a 'look'. I asked my husband if we should stay for coffee. 'No' he replied 'too much temptation to eat the cake'.

We are both struggling with weight and we support each other. I can't imagine what it would be like if someone came along with 'I bought this for you' or 'just one slice can't hurt'. Those are weasel words!

I agree with the idea of using smaller plates and the 'healthy plate'.

Diana profile image

Can't you just sprinkle food, with excess salt or whatever and then bin those foods, why does your partner do this, is he rebelling in some way?

Gain your confidence back, chat to him, and ask yourself why you keeping set back?

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