How do I get people to donate one of the... - Kidney Transplant

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How do I get people to donate one of their kidney?

Italianbabe1 profile image
6 Replies

How do I get someone to donate one of their lidney?

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Italianbabe1 profile image
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DexterLab profile image

All you can do is ask. It takes an amazing level of generosity and caring for someone to donate a kidney. I continue to be surprised and grateful that so many people do donate. My center recommended casting a wide net because you never know when that special person will answer the call. Good luck.

littlelinda50 profile image
littlelinda50 in reply to DexterLab

I agree with you. When I decided to give asking people if they would donate a kidney to me I asked everyone an anyone. I actually got my kidney from a gentleman I met on a dating site. I didn't ask him I juat told him if I didn't respond it was not that I was ignoring him it would be because I was in the hospital or dead due to kidney failure. He said where do I get tested I will give you mine. He was a match and we are good friends. So just say to people hey have you ever thought of giving someone your kidney? Also, my hospital did an exchange program where if you had someone who was will bit they were not a match for you they could be for someone else. They took a group of patients and donors and exchanged tell everyone had a matching donor.

ShyeLoverDoctor profile image

I can tell you, in my experience, personally, the worst way to get a kidney is to ask them directly. People feel confronted and uncomfortable. Sometime I would talk to someone about needing and kindey and they’d immediately say “You can’t have mine!” Without me asking, and I was not going to ask THEM. I will never forgive my siblings for saying “No.” Huge mistake to ask directly, or it was for me. You can alienate a lot of people.

A better way is, I’m looking for a kindey donor can you help me spread the word? That way they’re aware but don’t feel cornered.

I live in the US, some of this might not work for you:

Some people put a huge sign on the back of their car - I’ve heard it works! - saying they’re in need. (If you don’t have a car, you can’t do this, obviously)

Some people get family to wear T-shirts “My sister needs a kidney!” Or their close friends.

Some people put up yard signs.

One guy put up an ad at a car wash, where you wait for your car to be done.

You can post it on Facebook etc.

I put my story and photo on bookmarks and put them in books I was giving away.

Some transplant centers will help you create a free website.

I personally had four total strangers offer me their kidney. My family is Jewish and while I don’t belong to a synagogue, my mom does. I very very carefully crafted an appeal, ‘the big ask” saying how hard dialysis was, how long the waiting period is, what I would do if I got a kidney. I had a friend take a nice photo of me. She put it in the weekly newsletter that her synagogue emails to its members. One woman read it, said she really wanted to help me, and she went through the donation testing. She failed. She did not have enough kidney function.

Then I went to my mom’s synagogue. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or what, but they decided to give a whole religious service talking about “the gift of life.” They had 3 people come up and talk. One was the wife of a husband who got a kidney transplant. Two of us were on dialysis. I wrote a heartfelt 6 minute speech. Afterward, 2 people wanted to donate. One was an 11 year old girl. The other was a woman in her 70s who had had multiple kidney stones.

Next I put an ad in a monthly ”giveaway “ magazine, the kind you get at the grocery store that is free, has some articles, but also quite a few ads. It cost quite a bit of money. One woman read my ad and said she just knew she needed to help me. However I was concerned when she told me her kidney function wasn’t fabulous. You have to have a GFR of 85 to donate, as a general rule, and her blood tests from last year, hers was 86. She was still trying to make an appointment to get tested when I got The Call from my transplant hospital and my whole life changed.

While I was waiting for all my hard work to pay off, I applied at a transplant center that was known for its short wait times. I was put on their list April 26 of last year, and received a deceased organ donation on June 11. Was only on dialysis 11 months and 3 weeks. Again, you might not be in the US. But if it’s possible for you, get listed at multiple centers.

Believe me, I really really wanted a living organ donor, not a deceased organ donor. I tried really really hard to get one- but it’s not easy.

For other ideas, go to kidney, org and look for “The Big Ask”

Cleo0806 profile image
Cleo0806 in reply to ShyeLoverDoctor

Let family members know you need a kidney. Be aware too that each transplant center has their own criteria to qualify to be a donor. I donated my kidney over two years ago. 2 centers turned me down . The 3rd center accepted me as a donor and I had no post op problems what so ever.

TeacherMommy profile image

I used the Kidney Foundation’s “the big ask” resources and put it on Facebook. I asked people to spread the word.

I also just kept an open mind and open conversation with people - a few people were thinking about it and we had many conversations while they thought about it. Yes, I felt a bit desperate at times, but I honestly didn’t begrudge them deciding yes or no - I know it is a huge leap to be a donor.

Sending you good wishes!

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