Feeling reflective after my 2nd HA - British Heart Fou...

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Feeling reflective after my 2nd HA

10 Replies

Hope noone minds me posting this here but after my 2nd HA, I'm feeling a bit reflective:


If I could meet myself from 40 years ago

What words would I impart?

What gems of wisdom could I share?

To this young and fledgling heart

I’d thank the child that once was me

For the journey to be taken

For each painful step along the path

For the pieces of me forsaken

I’d not want to warn about pitfalls

Or the errors that I would make

Because from each bad step, I’ve learned a lot

My persona has taken shape

I’d tell that boy that I once was

To stay true to the values I hold

Honesty, integrity, kindness and love

Stick with them and be bold!

I’d let him make the same mistakes

That haunt me all the time

The wasted opportunities for love

The family and friends left behind

I’d bless him with every kindness I have

For I know the path he’s on

The pain, the hurt he must endure

So as the man I am I become

I’d let him know he’s loved so much

By people he doesn’t yet know

I’d tell him life is full of gifts

And that he’ll reap what he sows

And I’d send him on his merry way

Into his future which is my past

I’d tell him to dance with every step

And live every moment like it’s his last

One day in the future he’ll come across

A man with love in his eyes

In that moment he’ll truly know himself

But he won’t at all be surprised

Because the person he’s looking at he will surely become

And he’ll instantly recognise

The man who once helped him on his way

Who gave him his best advice

10 Replies

Nice ,reflective and heart warming, thank you

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Lovely words of yours Snowey. Thank you for sharing them here. I'm bit of a poet myself at times. Strange how words like that suddenly come to us. Hope you are well now.


in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks Jean.. Feeling so blessed for having had it to be honest x

Nettekin profile image

Hi snowy. Loved your words, which seemed to come from a deep place inside you. I particularly liked the fact that you wouldn't change your younger self - sometimes we focus too much on the what ifs. Hope you are recovering well. Best wishes x

in reply to Nettekin

Thank you. If I changed the person I was I'd never be able to be me now.. Painful lessons learnt but worth it 👍

Magicfairy profile image

Lovely words, wishing you well x

Sunnysummerdays profile image

Beautiful 🥰

pasigal profile image

"life is full of gits." 😀

I'd tell myself 40 years ago to eat less meat and cheese and go on statins!

(I'm joking a bit. Lovely words and I've had similar thoughts, just not expressed so eloquently.)

Qualipop profile image

Just passed that on to my son. I only had one word. Wow!

in reply to Qualipop

That's lovely thanks 😊. I've been writing poetry steadily now and I'm nearly at the stage where I'll publish my first book. Thanks for the encouragement 👍

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