One sided mucus/blocked lung feeling - Asthma Community ...

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One sided mucus/blocked lung feeling

panica profile image
26 Replies


I had asthma as a child and I'm now 32. I'm wondering if what I'm feeling is asthma coming back. It feels like my right lung is blocked with mucus. I am constantly coughing and throat clearing and although I bring phlegm up it just gets replaced by a constant stream of it. Its affecting my daily life and won't go away. Its been like this for 4 months non stop.

I feel like air isnt getting into my right lung although a chest x ray was fine. Its difficult to breath past the mucus.

I have been treated for post nasal drip, given inhalers, antibiotics, antihistimines, reflux medicines and nothing works.

I'm becoming so anxious and depressed because of it.

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panica profile image
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26 Replies
Ericabellhouse profile image

Hi! I can sort of relate to you! I have had huge problems since being pregnant with my second child having had asthma type symptoms when younger but then 15 years symptom free.

I found it hard to describe my symptoms to gp but could only say I felt that my whole chest had too much mucus in it! I was constantly trying to clear my throat / lungs.... I also had a cough and recently a tight chest.

I am finally feeling slightly better with a combination of symbicort, montelukast and strong antihistamines.

Sorry it sounds like you may have tried these treatments but i have found only taking all together work and I also had a course of oral steroids to kick start the treatment....

I used to hate going to Drs but I am glad I became a bit of a pain as I have found something that works for me so keep going back!

Hi if I was you I would ask for a CT scan as this shows more information than a chest x-ray. x

Lj63 profile image

I had constant mucus production for years. Totally debilitating. Singulair (monteleukast) worked for me. Along with a prescription antihistamine.

mariyn profile image

I have problem with mucus too and find combination of SIRDUPLAR and AVAMYS (nasal spray ) helping .My nose is nice and dry but lungs still feel blocked some evenings . Am asking my consultant at The Royal Brompton for a C T Scan . Good luck Marilyn

GarryS profile image

My CT scan, which my consultant's registrar sent me for, showed I had Bronchiectasis. He also put me on carbosisteine, which I feel has helped reduce my cough and congested feeling.

Gino39 profile image

Hi there, sorry to hear of your symptoms. Have you considered food alergies? They do not remain the same as we grow older and can lead to mucus problems. In particular dairy can be the source. It may be worth a try to remove these from your diet for a short time to see if there is any improvement. I hope you manage to improve..


lynlovegood profile image

I pray for your condition. I recommend Pulmonary Function test.

Skittles888 profile image

I have these exact symptoms! One sided- right side.

And I feel like air isn't get in as much as the left- like it's tight. I also have allergies, relfux, asthma.

Also I am 32. Did you ever find out what it was?

Mjenningsss profile image
Mjenningsss in reply to Skittles888

Have you found any answers? I have been suffering from this for over a year now. I had a normal chest x ray and CT scan so they chalked it up to reflux entering my right lung. But I am not convinced. I have been on reflux meds, singulair, and asthma medication and it offers no relief. I am horrified that something worse is going on..

Richie6810 profile image
Richie6810 in reply to Skittles888

Hi all , I have the same thing , my right lung produces to much mucus , I don't have a cough unless it's for mucus clearing , I've always been a pretty bad asthmatic, but the last year my one lungs seems to be congested and sore constantly .

Mjenningsss profile image
Mjenningsss in reply to Richie6810

Any update richie? I am still in the same boat.

Bxkrup profile image


I have same symptoms - coughing and constant wheezing in right side. Ct was normal. Albuterol did not help at all.

It's been like this for several months now.

I am very worried.

Did you find out a diagnosis?

Did it go away?

Hope to get response...

Mjenningsss profile image
Mjenningsss in reply to Bxkrup

I have the same issue for almost a year now. 32 y/old female. Any updates?

sasz profile image
sasz in reply to Mjenningsss

I too hve the sme symtomps please help me u find any answer for this issue?

sasz profile image

Hi im also suffering the same symtomps doc not gve proper solution please kindly help anyone please

Mjenningsss profile image

Hi! Yes!! It ended up being severely acid reflux that I was aspirating only in one lung. Sleeping elevated and eating TONS of yogurt has helped me tremendously. I also gave up drinking alcohol and smoking (which are known to make it worse). I currently am off my medication and get reflux only when I am stressed out or not eating properly.

Mjenningsss profile image

So I'm back and I'm not convinced it was reflux. I just got over sinusitis that has made its way down to my chest and low and behold guess what returns? Right lung side mucus, fullness, inability to breathe properly. It feels like a severe irritation and that my post nasal drip is going into the right side chest only. I fell asleep on my right side this afternoon and woke up to it being 100x worse. I am going to sleep on my left side tonight and pray it helps.

ldrunner profile image

I've had this problem recur a few times over the last two decades. I also don't believe it is reflux as it is completely disconnected to use of ppis or diet, and there's no major sinus congestion or drip - just some what seems to be non allergic rhinitis.

Does creep up on me over the course of months, and I believe it is caused by undertreating mild asthma. I have had xrays and ct scans so I don't believe there is any significant abnormality in my lung. Peak flows don't seem to be affected, blood o2 levels are fine.

When it flares up it lasts for months but does improve with Advair/antihistamines/guafenisin/pseudoephedrine bombing. It has responded positively to low oral prednisone before. Nasal steroid seems to help, too. Its very frustrating when it flares up, but it hasn't killed me as of yet. :)

KristalE profile image

Right lung congestion


Omg I have the exact same issue! I’ve been complaining for months. I can feel that I’m not breathing well through a certain area of my lung. Each doctor that I go to blows it off on another doctor like: it won’t improve until you get your reflux in check. GI doctor says that I have no evidence of active reflux.

I am sick RIGHT now, have been to the ER twice to be treated for severe asthma attack and what’s happening? My left lung is clear and my right side? Wheezes and congestion that I can’t cough out.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. I hope you guys come back with updates. I’ve had chest X-rays, a bronchoscopy, pulmonary function tests but no chest CT. They say I have no obstructions but I continue to question part of my anatomy (bronchioles) being damaged or constricted.

They just look at me and hand me a follow up appt.

I’m gling to see my pulmonologist again tomorrow and I’m going to ask some hard questions.

Mjenningsss profile image
Mjenningsss in reply to KristalE

Hi!! Did anyone ever find out the cause of this? I am still suffering with it. I just went to the GI and she said I have no signs of reflux and that this isn't related. I am going in 3 years like this. If someone has any answers please respond..

Llysenko profile image

Hi, I have the same situation - right lung gets blocked and seems to do so synchronously with the right side of the nose (ie right maxillary and right frontal sinuses) which also get blocked on and off. I saw the ENT today -had a CT scan - fluid was found in my right sinuses.

I learnt about nasopulmonary reflex - that blocked half of the nose can cause bronchoconstriction of the lung on the same side!

I am being put on 10 days of Bactrim and Prednisone course. Will keep you posted!

Mdill profile image
Mdill in reply to Llysenko

Any update?!?!?!

collarb profile image

Completely the same feeling... Xray all good. Affects heavily my everyday life- feeling tired all the time. Very rare coughing, and a feeling that the mucus cannot be expectorated out...

I also think that it could by due to the reflux in my case, although it was not diagnosed on me...

Any updates of your status or treatment? Panica, Llysenko, Mjenningsss

Acapulco1 profile image

I empathize with everyone here as I too suffered with the same symptoms for years. I know many doctors avoid antibiotics for these symptoms, but I have found a 10 day dose eliminates my congestion. During congestion I may do a breathing treatment to help me clear my lung(s) of mucus. Like several others in this post I have found a combination of symbicort, montelukast and Flonase controls the tightness and any asthma or allergy symptoms. I rarely need a rescue inhaler. If I get sinusitis symptoms, an antibiotic quickly wipes them out, but it is no longer a yearly occurrence. Since many mentioned acid reflux, I’ll note doctors pushed me that way as well. However I found reflux medication to make it worse. I discontinued and just make sure I don’t over eat at night. Over eating will exasperate any tightness. I wish you all the best. Get well soon.

iqibee profile image
iqibee in reply to Acapulco1

I have the same issue. Can we talk?

iqibee profile image

I am in the same boat...any answers?

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